Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dylans Gifts to Us

After receiving Emersyn's Christmas gift, I was anxious to get Dylan's. Gifts made by my kiddos are the best!
Dylan gave us a cinnamon Christmas tree ornament and an ornament with his handprint on it. They are both cute and he was so proud of them. My favorite is the snowmen made from his tiny handprint. I let him hang them both on the tree.

We leave tonight for Buffalo. We are driving 12 hours through the night, in hopes the kids will sleep.. ( sigh)
We can't wait to get there!

Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Snowman Foot

I wanted to share the gift we received from Emersyn. Her teachers helped her make it :-) It's a pot holder with Santa on one side and her snowman footprint on the other. We love it! It's hanging in our kitchen.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Emersyn is 7 months

On December 10th Emersyn turned 7 months. Every month I wonder where the time has gone. She is growing leaps and bounds developmentally and in size. This month I ordered a bunch of headbands for Emersyn, so I decided it was flower power time! It was nude shots (with a diaper on), and some of the headbands I bought her. I was so excited about the headbands, I forgot to use the 7 month sticker and her teddy bear. Oops!
Emersyn almost weighs 20lbs. She is very tall and a solid rock! She isn't crawling yet, but rolling all over to get to her destination. She has the beginning mechanics of crawling, just isn't quite there. She grabs at anything and everything, and puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! I have a feeling teeth are on the way. She is eating infant oatmeal, veggies, fruits, and the occasional rice bar that melts in her mouth as she nibbles on it. Emersyn is a happy baby and loves to laugh. She has a hearty laugh too! She can be sweet and cuddly, but has a sassy streak. (I have NO IDEA where she gets that from..wink, wink!) She is taking interest in the dogs, loves her Daddy, and thinks Dylan is hilarious. She is a Mommy's girl lately and I love it!
She completes are family and we love her to pieces. I still can't believe she is 7 months!

My sweet angel! How can you not love those chubby rolls on her legs?!?!?

I tried and tried to flip this picture, but it just wouldn't cooperate. I love her expression here.
I love the color teal on her. It brings out her eye color. So far we've been lucky with those baby blues. I hope they stay. Her auburn hair, fair skin, and blue eyes make her the beauty she is!
Her hair is growing so much, the scar from her surgery barely shows. Up close you can see some areas but for the most part it's fading and her hair covers it nicely.

A baby girl, one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in our world today.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Big Girl

We've been feeding Emersyn in the swaddle seat or her Bumbo. We finally decided to pull out the high chair. She is sitting up independently and fully ready, but this means she's officially a big girl! I guess I can't delay the inevitable!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Elf On The Shelf

Last year my sister gave us Elf on the Shelf as a gift. This year we started it, hoping to start a new tradition. For those of you that aren't familiar with the concept, I copied and pasted the description so that you would get an idea of how it all works.

HOW IT WORKS: The kit comes with an elf doll and a book. The book explains
that Santa has sent an elf to watch over the children and the elf reports back
to Santa each night. The kids get to decide the name for the elf together - this
is a touch decision! You read through the book with your child, it explains all
the rules, then each night you move the elf to a new spot. One of the rules is
that the children cannot touch him - this is a great rule because although he's
a sturdy doll, I think he might get loved out much too quickly if they were
allowed! The author was so thoughtful to think of all these helpful
Rules: * The children cannot touch the elf or he will lose his
magic * The elf can listen to what the children tell him, but cannot talk
back, that's Santa's law. * The elf flies back to the North Pole each night
and tells Santa what he has seen - when he comes back he goes to a new spot in
the house.The kids start searching for the elf immediately when they
wake up! Knowing Santa is watching has definitely motivated them to be a behave
a bit better! This cute little tradition makes the Christmas season more fun.
It's a very special tradition in our house. I love that the book has an old
fashioned feel to it, the illustrations are wonderful.
Our Elf's name is Jingle. Jingle has been busy reporting back to Santa over the last few weeks. It took Dylan the first few days to understand and get the hang of it, but now he looks forward to finding Jingle each morning. As he walks down the stairs he yells "Where's Jingle?". He looks and looks, and with excitement he points and smiles daily when Jingle is found.
Zack is in charge of moving Jingle. Finding new spots for him is a challenge because we don't want Dylan to touch him. If given the opportunity, Dylan WILL TRY and touch him. That brings me to poor Jingle. He has been a busy little elf. Overall, Dylan is a wonderful, sweet little boy, but these days he is entering a new stage. He spends many moments in his room or in time out. So we are constantly reminding him that Jingle is watching and that Santa won't come if he has to many 'naughty' days. For the most part it's working, but there are moments Dylan gives us the " Who really cares if that dumb elf tells Santa, I don't' want presents anyway" look. Yes my son has an evil side. Forget the terrible two's, he is almost three and we are going to be experiencing the terrible three's.
We are enjoying this new tradition. Hopefully it will continue to work. It's something fun to incorporate into the holiday season. I included some of the places we've placed Jingle. We can't repeat any spots because Dylan has a good memory. Every few days he will tell me all of the spots Jingle has been.
Hopefully Jingle will have good news for Santa over the next two weeks. Time is ticking and Dylan REALLY wants presents.
Santa Claus is coming to town!

Elf Yourself

Every year I upload our photo's to the Office Max Elf Yourself site.
Here is our link. I'm hoping it works!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Program

On Tuesday night, the daycare I work at and the kids attend, put on a Christmas Program. Each classroom sang a holiday song. Dylan's class sang Feliz Navidad, my class sang Rudolph, and Emerysn's teachers recited The Night Before Christmas.

For 2 weeks we practiced Feliz Navidad with Dylan. He knew all of the words and sang them proud. On performance night there were almost 100 people. He quietly sang parts of the song, and in between picked his noes and had his fingers in his mouth. The other kids didn't really sing either. It was hilarious. Some cried, one danced, and the majority just stood there looking scared. 100 parents staring at a group of 2 year olds, yup, that can be intimidating. They were so cute though!!! We are proud of him.

Emersyn and a few of her friends wore pajamas. They were put in Bumbo seats and all placed in one crib. They looked adorable! We bought Emersyn snowflake pajamas that were 6-9 months. She looked like a stuffed sausage!!! A very beautiful stuffed sausage! The pajamas were new and never worn. So it was either the brand or our little baby girl is ready for the next size at her ripe age of 7 months.

The program was cute. Zack got both kids on video. Unfortunately I don't have the time to figure out how to upload it from the camera to here. We will share it with family when we go home.

We are proud of our little holiday performers!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Over Thanksgiving weekend we decorated the house for Christmas. This year Dylan was very involved and excited about everything. He helped with the tree, hanging ornaments, window lights, and various decorations around the house. The look on his face every time he opened a new tub of decorations was priceless. He would yell " Look at this Mommy!".
Last year was fun, but as Dylan gets older Christmas takes on a new meaning. He understands more, gets excited easily, and makes the spirit of the holidays come alive. Emersyn is still to young, but she is very aware of the tree. She tries to grab the branches if she is close by, and is in awe of the lights. I tried to capture some moments as we decorated. Enjoy!

This year we purchased an artificial tree. I love the smell of a real tree in the house, but the needles are a pain and make our vacuum smell. Plus we only get to enjoy it for a few weeks since we go home to Buffalo each year. Eventually I'd like to have a real tree as well, but that won't come until we have a bigger house.
Dylan was Zack's little helper as he unpacked the tree. I think the bubble wrap was more fun than unwrapping everything!
By the look on Dylan's face, it apparently took to long to get the tree up. He was anxiously awaiting the next step.....decorating it!
My little man! I can't believe he is almost 3!!!! Isn't he so handsome?!?!?!?

I couldn't resist posting this picture. Dylan loves to lay next to Emersyn. He tries to show her how to crawl and move. Zack was talking to them and I captured the moment.
Daddy Elf and his helper! They did a great job helping me throughout the weekend.
Here is our final product. Dylan messed the tree skirt up right as I was about to take the picture. Arrrr!
Happy Holidays!

The Cleaning Man

When Dylan is in the mood to clean, he can be very helpful. Cleaning is on his terms apparently. Somehow regardless of the mess he makes, we always end up cleaning it up. On a good day he will help. This is all a work in progress.
For some reason when I dust he wants to help. I have a dust cloth and so does he. I'm not sure why he loves to dust, but I'll take what I can get. This past week he had just finished going potty and refused to put pants on. So I let him clean pantsless, which as you will see is very cute. How can you resist those cute little legs!!!?? After he is finished dusting, he goes outside and shakes the cloth. I think this part is funny. Hey, whatever motivates him to help is all I care about. So if you ever need a cleaning man who specializes in dusting, I know just the guy!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ladybug at School

Every now & then I like to take pictures of Emersyn at school. She has now been in daycare just shy of 2 months.