Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dogs Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday,  Niko & Blitz!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

L. O. V. E

The best gifts in life!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Water table fun

Our new playset

Memorial Day weekend,  Zack put together a playset for the kids.  It was two boxes containing what seemed like a million pieces.  He worked alone since his friends were either working or out of town. It took two days. 
In the end it was worth Zack hard work. The kids... And dogs,  love it.
(the pictures did not load in correct order for some reason)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kinder Kixx

We've been wanting to get Dylan into sports for a year now.  Kinder Kixx is a soccer program that was offered to our school.  Since I am an employee,  it's free for me.  Yippee! We thought this was the perfect opportunity to test drive the idea of sports to our child that doesn't like to get dirty, and cries if you bump him the wrong way.  If he does well,  we will sign him up in the fall or spring to play either soccer or t ball. 
This past Friday was his third week.  I do want him to learn the game of soccer, but learn how to work with a team, and build confidence.  So far, so good.  He's been passing,  dribbling,  and learning how to stop the ball.
I tried to get some pictures, but I was a big distraction when I went out to see Dylan in action.  I loved seeing him in action! He's making his mommy proud!