Friday, September 16, 2011

Emersyn is 4 months

On Saturday (9-10-11) Emersyn turned 4 months. I'm late posting because I was waiting for her doctors appointment to get the weight and height stats. In the meantime we did take the monthly photo shoot. Unlike Dylan, Emersyn doesn't like the camera. She will be full of smiles and the moment a camera or video camera comes out she becomes very serious. Just a reminder, we take pictures with her bear to chart her growth. We did the same thing with Dylan. Our newest monthly marker would be the onesie stickers. This month I struggled to place it on her. She wiggles so much and the drool is non-stop, so I decided to put it behind her.
4 Month Stats:
Weight: 15lbs 8oz
Height: 25 1/4
Milestones & Ladybug Facts:
- Started to laugh
- Coo's and makes noises regularly
-Rolls over from back to belly (does this in a split second)
- Can roll from belly to back but struggles slightly
-Puts weight on legs with support
- Continues the attempt to sit up
- When on belly, lifts head and puts weight on forearms...trying to push up but not quite there yet
-drools NON -STOP (she goes through 3 bibs a day)
-Grabs at clothing, fingers, hair or whatever is put in her hand
-Smiles frequently
-Loves laughing at Dylan and watching him move about
- Loves when we sing to her, especially her Daddy
-Still loves to be held but enjoys tummy time, the swing and baby bjorn
- Fussiness is pretty much gone!!! YIPEEE
-Still eats every 2-3 hours
-Night time: still suffers from post surgery sleep stress. :-(

No smiles, but loving those hands! Oh and yes, she is in her Bills gear. We took these on Sunday.
Ha! This is funny to me. She refused to sit. Rolling over is the name of her game.

9-10-11 Looking pretty while laughing at her brother
* I tried to upload a picture of her chubby legs because I LOVE them. But my computer isn't cooperating. BOOOO

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