Yesterday was our first time at the pool this season. I had higher hopes than our beach trip. Both kids had a blast in the water! So it looks like the pool is where we will reside for the summer until we get the courage to try the beach again.
My little ones are just to cute! I can't resist sharing pictures. Yup, I'm that Mom!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Happy Birthday Niko & Blitz!
Today Niko & Blitz turned 5!
We got them at 7 weeks and boy it's been a non-stop adventure. 5 years of walks, doggie kisses, snuggles.... Driving cross country, lots of new places to live, adjusting to babies.... AND :-) Picking up dog poo, training, disciplining for chewed up kids toys, leaving special packages on the rug. We take good with the bad... ALL leading to the joy, laughs, and memories we've been honored to have these past 5 years!
I couldn't imagine our life without them!
They are apart of our family, our fury babies!
To my dear beautiful doggies,
We love you dearly! We can't wait to see what the next 5 bring!! Never a dull moment in this house :-). !!!
Happy Birthday Niko & Blitz!
We got them at 7 weeks and boy it's been a non-stop adventure. 5 years of walks, doggie kisses, snuggles.... Driving cross country, lots of new places to live, adjusting to babies.... AND :-) Picking up dog poo, training, disciplining for chewed up kids toys, leaving special packages on the rug. We take good with the bad... ALL leading to the joy, laughs, and memories we've been honored to have these past 5 years!
I couldn't imagine our life without them!
They are apart of our family, our fury babies!
To my dear beautiful doggies,
We love you dearly! We can't wait to see what the next 5 bring!! Never a dull moment in this house :-). !!!
Happy Birthday Niko & Blitz!
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Beach
A few Saturday's ago we decided to go to the beach for the first time this season. We actually haven't been to the beach yet with Emersyn, so this was her first experience.
I was very excited to go, as was Dylan and Zack. Emersyn had no idea the fun she was about to have. A giant pool at her feet and a giant sandbox!
We decided to go to Wrightsville Beach which was 2 hours away. The kids did fairly well in the car, watching movies and eating snacks. Emersyn took a little nap which was helpful since she's not a fan of being in her seat very long. The car was packed, the day was beautiful, what could possibly go wrong?!?
Yup, our beach trip was a bust. From the pictures I added you'd never know. The pictures were taken at the beginning of our beach day. Let me rehash our lovely, but not so lovely, beach day. Sand full of little rocks, Emersyn eating sand NON STOP, Emersyn crawling everywhere but where we wanted her, our umbrella that was supposed to provide shade decided to blow upward and break, the tent we brought got to be extremely hot, we had no means of shade. Shall I continue.....Dylan freaked out about the waves and wouldn't go in the water, Zack and I never sat down and relaxed for more than 30 seconds at a time, I tried to put Emersyn in the water and sit next to her...nope! Water was to cold for her and a wave practically took her out to sea (my fault) scaring the daylights out of her. So both our kids didn't want to go in the water. By lunch time the sand was getting hot. Without going in the water or being under an umbrella, we had no way of keeping cool. After lunch we decided to pack it up. We did get there early and had somewhat of a good time, but it was also very stressful.
We were home and showered by 3:30.
Beach trip with 2 kids= Failed!
Maybe next time.
We decided to go to Wrightsville Beach which was 2 hours away. The kids did fairly well in the car, watching movies and eating snacks. Emersyn took a little nap which was helpful since she's not a fan of being in her seat very long. The car was packed, the day was beautiful, what could possibly go wrong?!?
Yup, our beach trip was a bust. From the pictures I added you'd never know. The pictures were taken at the beginning of our beach day. Let me rehash our lovely, but not so lovely, beach day. Sand full of little rocks, Emersyn eating sand NON STOP, Emersyn crawling everywhere but where we wanted her, our umbrella that was supposed to provide shade decided to blow upward and break, the tent we brought got to be extremely hot, we had no means of shade. Shall I continue.....Dylan freaked out about the waves and wouldn't go in the water, Zack and I never sat down and relaxed for more than 30 seconds at a time, I tried to put Emersyn in the water and sit next to her...nope! Water was to cold for her and a wave practically took her out to sea (my fault) scaring the daylights out of her. So both our kids didn't want to go in the water. By lunch time the sand was getting hot. Without going in the water or being under an umbrella, we had no way of keeping cool. After lunch we decided to pack it up. We did get there early and had somewhat of a good time, but it was also very stressful.
We were home and showered by 3:30.
Beach trip with 2 kids= Failed!
Maybe next time.
Tap & Tumble
A company called Tap & Tumble comes to Dylan's school every Thursday. The options are either dance class or tumble class. Dylan goes to tumble with a group of kids his age and loves it.
We enrolled him to strengthen his gross motor skills, but also for fun too! I get a 1/2 price discount because I work at the school, which helps because it's expensive.
Last Saturday night was the recital to showcase what the kids have learned. The theme was Mary Poppins. Keep in mind this recital was made up of 2 1/2-5 year olds. It was a hoot! For most of these kids it was the first time performing in front of a large group. I don't think I ever stopped smiling and/or laughing. The dancers were cute. Some did wonderful, others just stood there hiding behind their prop.
Dylan's best friend Raegan was a dancer. She is a ham and meant for theater! Dylan made sure to tell her how pretty she looked. :-)
Dylan's tumble group did there thing to the song 'A spoon full of sugar'. Each child got to showcase their tumbles, including rolls, balance beam, trampoline jumping, and more. Dylan was cute. He followed directions, had a smile on his face, waved to us frequently, and did a great job! We were very proud!
I only took a few pictures because I was video taping instead. I thought this was something we needed to have on video for out of town family to enjoy in September (when we go home next).
I don't know how to get the video on here from the camera so my apologies.
You'll have to just enjoy the 4 pictures.
Dylan will continue to go to Tap & Tumble throughout the summer. This is why he looks forward to Thursdays.
We enrolled him to strengthen his gross motor skills, but also for fun too! I get a 1/2 price discount because I work at the school, which helps because it's expensive.
Last Saturday night was the recital to showcase what the kids have learned. The theme was Mary Poppins. Keep in mind this recital was made up of 2 1/2-5 year olds. It was a hoot! For most of these kids it was the first time performing in front of a large group. I don't think I ever stopped smiling and/or laughing. The dancers were cute. Some did wonderful, others just stood there hiding behind their prop.
Dylan's best friend Raegan was a dancer. She is a ham and meant for theater! Dylan made sure to tell her how pretty she looked. :-)
Dylan's tumble group did there thing to the song 'A spoon full of sugar'. Each child got to showcase their tumbles, including rolls, balance beam, trampoline jumping, and more. Dylan was cute. He followed directions, had a smile on his face, waved to us frequently, and did a great job! We were very proud!
I only took a few pictures because I was video taping instead. I thought this was something we needed to have on video for out of town family to enjoy in September (when we go home next).
I don't know how to get the video on here from the camera so my apologies.
You'll have to just enjoy the 4 pictures.
Dylan will continue to go to Tap & Tumble throughout the summer. This is why he looks forward to Thursdays.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Once-ler
For those of you who have read the book The Lorax, then you will know who the Once-ler is.
Dylan loves the book and pretends to be the Once-ler when he sits at the table. I find this funny! His little brown eyes peering through the slats of the chair, fingers holding on. Too cute when he says "Mommy look! I'm the Once-ler!"
Zack and I saw the movie in 3-D. It was awesome. I actually like the movie better than the book.
So if you haven't read the book or seen the movie than you need to check them out!
Dylan loves the book and pretends to be the Once-ler when he sits at the table. I find this funny! His little brown eyes peering through the slats of the chair, fingers holding on. Too cute when he says "Mommy look! I'm the Once-ler!"
Zack and I saw the movie in 3-D. It was awesome. I actually like the movie better than the book.
So if you haven't read the book or seen the movie than you need to check them out!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Dylan's 1st Dental Visit
Dylan went to the dentist for the first time. I wasn't sure when kids are supposed to see the dentist, so I waited and waited until I thought he was ready. Ready, meaning that he had all of his teeth and wouldn't freak out in the dental chair.
Dylan was a late teether. He popped his first tooth at 13 months. Naturally all of his other teeth came in later than everyone else's. He's approaching 3 1/2 so it was time.
While we brush every night, I still have a fear that he'll get a cavity. Dylan fights the 'brushing' process. I'm not sure why because it's very repetitive. Once we begin, he's fine. Part of me worried that because of this, he'd be a monster at the dentist.
A week prior to the visit we began talking about it. Dylan does better in an unfamiliar situation when he knows the details and what to expect. The day of the appointment he was excited. Well, up until the car ride there. Then he changed his tune out of fear.
Dylan was amazing!!! He sat in the chair, followed directions, answered questions, let the hygienist clean his teeth with an electric tooth brush, floss, and poke around in his mouth.
He was brave and didn't flinch once.
I was very proud. The dentist even commended his behavior.
He got brightly colored flossers, a new tooth brush, and a prize for doing such a great job. And NO cavities!!!
First dental visit was a success!!!
Dylan was a late teether. He popped his first tooth at 13 months. Naturally all of his other teeth came in later than everyone else's. He's approaching 3 1/2 so it was time.
While we brush every night, I still have a fear that he'll get a cavity. Dylan fights the 'brushing' process. I'm not sure why because it's very repetitive. Once we begin, he's fine. Part of me worried that because of this, he'd be a monster at the dentist.
A week prior to the visit we began talking about it. Dylan does better in an unfamiliar situation when he knows the details and what to expect. The day of the appointment he was excited. Well, up until the car ride there. Then he changed his tune out of fear.
Dylan was amazing!!! He sat in the chair, followed directions, answered questions, let the hygienist clean his teeth with an electric tooth brush, floss, and poke around in his mouth.
He was brave and didn't flinch once.
I was very proud. The dentist even commended his behavior.
He got brightly colored flossers, a new tooth brush, and a prize for doing such a great job. And NO cavities!!!
First dental visit was a success!!!
Got Wisdom?
The time has come for my wisdom teeth to be pulled. Thankfully I only have 1/2 the wisdom that most people do.... He he! Yup, I only have 2 wisdom teeth. The other 2 just never came in I guess. Lucky me!
Thursday is the big day and I'm dreading it. I have to fast and be put to sleep. Zack is my designated driver.
Hopefully I don't say anything dumb or act ridiculous and end up on YouTube!
Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite places to go, so this experience is not one I'm looking forward to. Not to mention I'll be swollen and unable to eat solids for days.
So my plan to catch up on blog posts has been foiled again! I'll do my best but I'm guessing the pain meds and sleep will get the best of me.
Thursday is the big day and I'm dreading it. I have to fast and be put to sleep. Zack is my designated driver.
Hopefully I don't say anything dumb or act ridiculous and end up on YouTube!
Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite places to go, so this experience is not one I'm looking forward to. Not to mention I'll be swollen and unable to eat solids for days.
So my plan to catch up on blog posts has been foiled again! I'll do my best but I'm guessing the pain meds and sleep will get the best of me.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
I'm Still Here
Long time, no see! I feel like I've been living on another planet these past few months. Blogging has taken a back seat unfortunately. I have a list of topics I need to write about, but finding the time lately has been close to impossible. The kids are taking turns being sick and life itself just gets busy. Finding what I call 'me time' has been absent and that's usually when I blog.
So don't forget about us! I'm still here and plan to post about our latest happenings. So many thoughts, so many ideas, just not enough time in the day.
Stay tuned.....
So don't forget about us! I'm still here and plan to post about our latest happenings. So many thoughts, so many ideas, just not enough time in the day.
Stay tuned.....
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Family Visit
For weeks now I have had these collages uploaded.
Life got busy and I forgot that I never finished the post. Oops! So let me back up a bit. My parents came down to visit the first weekend of May. Then they traveled to see my Grandparents in South Carolina, and came back to us on Emersyn's birthday. So we had 6 days with them, just split into two separate weekends. It was wonderful.

We ventured to the park, played in the yard, and had some good quality time together. Dylan is at the age where he understands that his grandparents live far away, so he gets very excited when they visit.
The last time Emersyn saw my parents was at Christmas, so she had to ease her way into the visit. At first she was hesitant, but eventually warmed right up.

We ventured to the park, played in the yard, and had some good quality time together. Dylan is at the age where he understands that his grandparents live far away, so he gets very excited when they visit.
The last time Emersyn saw my parents was at Christmas, so she had to ease her way into the visit. At first she was hesitant, but eventually warmed right up.
During the visit my Dad, aka. The Landscaper, helped us out with our front bushes, re mulching, and helping Zack put up a shed. Zack was thrilled he had the help and we are very thankful for all his hard work. Dylan got in on the action too!

My parents were here to celebrate Emersyn's actual birthday and her birthday party. It was nice having family around for such as special occasion. Living far away stinks sometimes, especially on holidays and birthdays. It was so nice to have them apart of our week celebration.
(sorry this post was so late)

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