Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dylan's 1st Dental Visit

Dylan went to the dentist for the first time. I wasn't sure when kids are supposed to see the dentist, so I waited and waited until I thought he was ready. Ready, meaning that he had all of his teeth and wouldn't freak out in the dental chair.

Dylan was a late teether. He popped his first tooth at 13 months. Naturally all of his other teeth came in later than everyone else's. He's approaching 3 1/2 so it was time.

While we brush every night, I still have a fear that he'll get a cavity. Dylan fights the 'brushing' process. I'm not sure why because it's very repetitive. Once we begin, he's fine. Part of me worried that because of this, he'd be a monster at the dentist.

A week prior to the visit we began talking about it. Dylan does better in an unfamiliar situation when he knows the details and what to expect. The day of the appointment he was excited. Well, up until the car ride there. Then he changed his tune out of fear.

Dylan was amazing!!! He sat in the chair, followed directions, answered questions, let the hygienist clean his teeth with an electric tooth brush, floss, and poke around in his mouth.
He was brave and didn't flinch once.
I was very proud. The dentist even commended his behavior.

He got brightly colored flossers, a new tooth brush, and a prize for doing such a great job. And NO cavities!!!

First dental visit was a success!!!

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