Saturday, July 28, 2012

Latest Henry Happenings

Within the last few weeks life has gotten the best if me. We've all taken turns having summer colds, Zack traveled for 5 days, work has been stressful, all leading to my recent blog absence.

I thought I'd try and give a rundown of all our latest happenings. Hopefully I remember everything!

- July 7th was our 5 year wedding anniversary! We spent the day as a family having fun. After the kids went to bed we got take out, lit candles, and had a romantic evening in. We could have got a babysitter but decided not to. it was a wonderful day.

- Dylan has entered a Terrible Threes phase. He's always had moments but now the moments are frequent. All day, everyday! He struggles to listen and follows the negative actions of his peers. We work on 'character building' on a daily basis. We have behavior charts and a reward system. He is a sweet boy who is testing the waters of life. And so it begins.....

- Emersyn has started to walk. She pushes toys around and tries to walk 10-15 steps. She stands up on her own without holding onto anything and walks until she looses her balance or scares herself. She's getting there!
She still only has 2 teeth. At some point the others will show up! That doesn't stop her. She eats everything!

At school she has moved to the next class. This has helped her stranger danger a little. She is more willing to befriend an unfamiliar face or even the familiar face. In this class they learn how to use a spoon, sleep on a mat, and take only one nap a day. We are working hard with the spoon but continue to struggle to get her to drink cold milk. She loves straws and sippy cups with water or juice but WILL not drink cold milk. She's odd. So for 3 months we've been fighting this battle. Hopefully being in the new class will help. Naps are hard on her. She is a sleeper. She's exhausted during the week with only one nap. On the weekends she struggles to stay awake. We pick our battles. If she can't handle it we give her a morning nap. Eventually it will get better.
Otherwise she is her sweet & sassy self!

- Zack went to San Francisco for 5 days to be apart of his brothers wedding. He was the best man. He had a blast. We missed him terribly!

- My job has been stressful for a multitude of reasons causing me to be exhausted. Therefore blogging wasn't on my radar. Hopefully it gets better or I'll be making some life changes. No point in being miserable! I only live once!

-Niko & Blitz are great! They are wishing for cooler weather and/ or Fall to come. We've had temps in the 100's which isn't fun for 2 hairy dogs.

I'm sitting here trying to recall the last few weeks. I'm sure there is more, but it's getting late and my brain is shutting down.
We are all doing well! I'll do my best to post more. Life just has a way of creeping up on me and limiting the free time I have.

Recent pictures......

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