Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Parenting Magazine

Every month there are highlighted crafts in Parenting Magazine. Usually I just read about them and admire the creativity.

A few weeks ago at school we were talking about amusement parks. A co-worker of mine found a cute craft in the magazine and wanted each of our classes to try it. It was a roller coaster made from paper plates and paper towel tubes. The coaster track was meant for a marble. It looked cool in the picture and seemed fairly simple.

I had the kids color the track ( paper plates) and then I cut them out. Essentially it was cutting out the center of the plate, which was not used, and the edges are the track. The goal was to staple them together to form a track for the marble. This was a challenge.

The paper towel rolls were supposed to be cut a different heights to hold up the track. I followed the directions but it didn't work so I did my own 'creating'. During my assembly of this lovely craft, I had multiple preschoolers hovering over my shoulder. It was a trial and error project. Once the tubes were placed, the marble kept falling off the track. So after some tweaking, lots of masking tape, patience, and more patience... It finally worked.

The end product did not look like the one in the magazine. BUT the kids had fun and I did get it to work, so that's all that mattered.

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