Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is my 31st birthday!

I'm finally to the point that I don't get asked for ID!!! It's only taken 10 years!
I guess when I'm 80 and look like I'm 60, I'll be happy. Ha!!

Today was a wonderful day. I woke up to two smiling faces, three if you count Zack.
We spent the morning playing. We went out for lunch together and then I went shopping durning nap time. Lots of people, lots of sales. I love to shop and enjoyed my time. Once home, we got the kids ready and ventured to Target. Gotta love Target!! Even Dylan loves Target!
After picking up a few things, we got take out from Olive Garden. Going to restaurants these days are challenging. Either one or both kids act up causing a very stressful dinner. It's easier to just get take out. I love Olive Garden, and received a few gift cards, so it was only appropriate to use one. After dinner, Dylan helped me blow out candles on my cake, 31 candles!
Phew, where has time gone? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was riding my purple bike with a banana seat! Ha! Just kidding! But really, I don't feel 31. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing?!?

My day was filled with fun, relaxation, laughter, and family. Just the right combination!

We didn't take many pictures today. Zack did capture Dylan & I with my cake. I could resist taking one of Emersyn with the cake. She loves chocolate and making a mess. So give her a piece of cake, and let the entertainment begin!

Happy Birthday to me! One more year under my belt... Check!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I am not the only one with not being able to take kids out to eat. It's been proving difficult lately with the 2 yr old. :) Glad you had a good birthday though! Olive Garden will be coming to Holly Springs soon too! Won't be quite as far to get take out then.
