Thursday, July 28, 2011

Emersyn's Surgery

This is a difficult post for me. We have debated on whether or not to post about Emersyn's upcoming surgery on here or on Facebook. So many friends and family already know and want to be kept in the loop, so we decided this would be one central location that everyone can go to. I will do my best to keep everyone updated. For those of you who are just finding out, this is Emersyn's story.....
I had a very difficult delivery with Emersyn. Just like her brother, she was a vacuum assist. Her delivery was just as long but much more challenging and painful for both Mommy & Emersyn. She was stuck in the birth canal for a long time and then refused to come out with the assistance of the vacuum. With Dylan I gave three hard pushes and he was out. Emersyn was a bit stubborn so after 1/2 hour of the suction cup continuously slipping off her head, we had to decide if we wanted a C-section. I opted to give one more push and if that didn't work I'd go. Thankfully she entered the world with that giant push. Her head was very bruised from the vacuum. It was very painful for her and brought tears to my eyes. After the swelling had disappeared I noticed her head wasn't the typical round shape that most babies have. We waited a few weeks to see if it would change, but it didn't. Zack is Mr. Positive, so he assumed that everything was fine and that eventually it would take the correct shape. Me on the other hand, I had a gut feeling something was wrong. Her head was more of an oblong shape. We did some research and followed up with a visit to our pediatrician. After x-rays and a visit to Duke Hospital, Emersyn was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis.
What is Craniosynostosis? In an infant, the skull is not a solid piece of bone, but several boney plates separated by fibrous sutures. These sutures allow for growth as an infant develops, and will eventually fuse to form a solid skull. Craniosynostosis is a condition in which one or more of these sutures fuse prematurely, causing restricted skull and brain growth. The result is an abnormally shaped head and/or increased pressure on the brain. Complications may vary depending on the case. Emersyn has only one suture closed and when we met with the neurosurgeon he stated her case was mild. The cause is unknown at this point. It could be something in our genetics or it could be because she was face down so long in the womb and then stuck for an extended period of time in the birth canal. The most common treatment is surgery. The surgery will open up the fused sutures to allow room for normal skull and brain growth. It will allow the head to take 'normal' shape as it should have been. At Duke Hospital they preform two different surgeries. The first type is endoscopic and would require Emersyn to wear a reshaping helmet for up to 18 months. That type of surgery hasn't been around very long and there can be other complications with this type. The textbook surgery that we are going with is slightly more invasive and she will have a larger scar on her head. She will not need to wear the reshaping helmet. This surgery has been around for a very long time and has great outcomes. We felt this was best for her and for us, as we only want to do this once. Her head should take 'normal' shape within a few weeks. It will be the scar that will take awhile to heal. Lucky for her she is a girl, and once her hair starts growing it won't show. These decisions were very hard to make. We want to do what's best for our little ladybug.
This entire process has been heartbreaking for us. I ask myself everyday, why us? why Emersyn? I'm not sure why this is all happening to us, but we are strong people and if this is in the plan of life, so be it. Aside from this condition, Emerysn is a very healthy girl. Once we get through this, she will continue to live a normal life without complications or delays. We have done a lot of research to prepare ourselves.
She will be having surgery next Wednesday, August 3rd. She will be in the hospital for 4-5 days.
I will do my best to update everyone as we go through this. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.
Please keep Emersyn in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Picky Toddler

Meal time seems to be a constant battle with Dylan. At first we'd make the mistake of asking him what he wanted to eat. That was a disaster as he would tell us one thing, we'd make it and then he would say no asking for something else. DRIVING ME CRAZY! Why are toddlers picky???So now I make him something without asking. On a good day he will eat. He loves pickles, cucumbers, pasta, yogurt, turkey, pizza, fruit, fruit and more fruit. On a bad day I jump through hoops trying to get him to eat.
Today was one of those days. Lunch consisted of Lightning McQueen mac & cheese, Dora yogurt and sliced cucumbers. He loves this stuff! But today he refused to eat. That is where I become a crazy Mommy. I danced around the kitchen (holding Emersyn), while I made up a really dumb song about eating each one of the foods I just listed. While I sang, he ate!!!!! After he was done, he looked at me and said "Mommy, you are crazy!" But what he doesn't know is I WON!! Well, at least this time.
So to all of my friends with toddlers, please let me know what works for you.

20 Random Things

20 Random Things About Me:
1. I hate getting my hands dirty.
2. I love funnel cake.
3. I make a funny face when I shiver.
4. I'm obsessed with chapstick
5. I sleep on my right side.
6. It drives me crazy when other people lay on my pillow.
7. Lightning scares me.
8. I love sweet tea and Coke.
9. I'd love to be locked in a Barnes & Nobles so I could read all day.
10. I'm afraid of falling;therefore I'm afraid of heights.
11. Chicken finger subs are my favorite.
12. I buy a People Magazine every Sunday when I grocery shop.
13. Bad breath grosses me out.
14. I've always wanted to be a Mom.
15. In the winter I love wearing slippers.
16. I like hugs, but I am not a hug initiator.
17. I don't like the feeling of satin.
18. I love a man with a scruffy face. Not a beard, a 2 day scruffy face : )
19. I love turning up the music and dancing with my family.
20. I love to laugh!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Name

What's in the name? Our life has always been busy, sometimes chaotic. Since Emersyn has been born we refer to our daily life as a 'circus'. After using this term on a daily basis I thought it was the perfect fit for a blog name.
If you've ever been to our house you may agree. Niko & Blitz will greet you at the door with their energetic barking. They are so excited to see visitors that they run back and forth, try and jump (which we try and stop), and beg for you to pet them. Dylan the tornado somehow creates a mess in every room he enters. Toys, toys and more toys! Emersyn was born a princess and feels the need to be carried constantly. This leads to our house...organized chaos. Usually one of us is playing and chasing after Dylan while the other is caring and holding Emersyn. I try my best to keep the house cleaned up, but somehow it refuses to stay that way. Currently the kids do not nap at the same time, so finding time to clean is a challenge. This is just a glimpse of our circus. The best 'circus' times are when the dogs are howling and the kids are crying. For most people this would be alarming. We embrace these crazy times with laughter, and sometimes tears.
I am the ringmaster of this crazy life we call the circus. I do my best to keep everything and everyone tamed, but it doesn't always work out that way. So I put a smile on, and sometimes I think I should have a sign on my front door that states "Welcome to the Circus!".
It will get better with time, but until then I welcome you to The Henry Family Circus!!!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Welcome to The Henry Family Circus! The goal of this blog is to have one place that I can update family and friends on our latest family events and happenings. I normally spend hours emailing everyone and sending out pictures, but with our growing family my time is limited. Each member of our family has their own designated page that I will occasionally update. The main home page is where I'll post the most frequently. Please feel free to follow our journey as our daily life unfolds.