Monday, October 3, 2011

A Taste of Fall

I already had this post typed and published until I realized the titled said "At Taste of Fall". That is what I get for typing with an infant on my lap. I was so annoyed that I had to delete the entire post. I tried to edit it, but for some reason my computer doesn't like me. So here I am typing this all over again, hoping to remember what I wrote. ARRR!
So lets try again.......
We welcomed the month of October with cool weather, cookie making, football, cleaning and decorating for Halloween. Dylan loves to help me clean so he assisted in dusting. His favorite part is going outside to shake out his 'duster' as he calls it. We made cookies together and did some decorating for Halloween. Holidays are becoming more fun as the kids grow. It makes us feel like kids again which is such a wonderful feeling. The 'giddy' comes over me as I think of all the fun activities in the months to come.

Ladybug in her capri-overalls. They are 3-6 months and she barely fits in them. Keep in mind she is only 4 1/2m.

My cleaning buddy shaking out his duster.
Decorating the front door.
Assisting in decorating for Halloween or shall I say playing with everything as I decorate.
Anxiously awaiting his cookies to finish baking.
Taste tester Dylan!
Emersyn will probably be a ladybug for Halloween and Dylan wants to be a pirate. Stay tuned....
So we've had a taste of Fall, lets hope it's here to stay!

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