Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 12: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Today I am thankful for technology. More so I was thinking about Skype. We've lived away from family for 6 years and now that we have kids it's becoming more difficult. With Skype, we can stay connected with the family visually. I think this is important for Dylan and Emersyn. They need to hear and see their grandparents, aunts and uncles. I grew up going to family parties and having the ability to see my grandparents on a more frequent basis. Unfortunately our kids don't have that luxury and it makes me sad. Don't get me wrong, we love living here, but there are times we miss being back at home near loved ones. So a few times a month we try and web cam with my parents. We actually need to start doing it more with all of our family since Dylan now understands the concept (well, for the most part). Family members love seeing them, watching them talk, play, and interact. It's a quick, yet meaningful moment that we wouldn't be able to share without technology.
On another note, I get so caught up with our daily schedule I don't always get to watch the news. What would I do without my cell phone. Everyday on my lunch break, I try and get caught up on the world news. Without technology, I'd be literally living under a rock.
**I was thinking about this earlier today.....The things I am thankful for are not in order of importance. I am just going day by day and taking the time to think about the big and little things.

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