Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 20: 30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm sitting here at 4:30 a.m. rocking Emersyn back to sleep after a feeding. My brain goes in all sorts of directions at this hour. I thought I'd blog now since I know today will be a busy one.

With that being said, today I am thankful for two things. First I'm thankful for the product Little Noses.
This is a saline solution made for infants. It helps loosen the junk in their nose so that they can breathe. After the saline in squirted up their nose, we use a booger sucker as I call it, to get those boogies out! Sounds gross? Well, yes it is. But when your child has a cold and can't breathe, this stuff works wonders. I hate doing it so I make zack do it. Emersyn cries, freaks out and acts like she can't breathe at all. Zack is just better at it and doesn't mind. He's the booger rescuer! Ha!

The second thing I am thankful for today are my friends. (and no, the nose spray isn't more important than friends! It was just the way I typed it!)
We have met some wonderful people in our travels. From Buffalo to California to North Carolina, we have become friends with some of the most caring, genuine people. Regardless of the distance or how busy life gets, our friends are always their when we need them as we are for them. I am very thankful to have met theses special people we call friends.

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