Monday, February 13, 2012

Dylan's 3rd Birthday

This post is very late and I apologize. Dylan's birthday turned into a birthday week. So many gifts, cards, parties, and more happened, then Zack traveled, and time escaped me. So let me back up a bit. The week prior to his birthday the mailbox had cards for him on a daily basis. Our counter top was lined up with a colorful collection of third birthday cards. Closer to the end of the week he started receiving packages. I'd like to say we saved them for his actual birthday, but that would not be the case with an excited little boy. Dylan knows that when a package is by the front door it's usually for him. Telling a three year old not to open it felt mean after looking at his excited little face. So as the week progressed he opened packages from various family members. The idea of opening a package is exhilarating for Dylan. His smile is huge as he tears open every gift as fast as his hands will let him. After he is done he goes back and checks out each item in its entirety. It's kind of funny to watch.
On the Friday before his birthday, he celebrated with his friends at school. He is into Cars, Lightning McQueen, and Mater, so I bought a bunch of themed paper products, juice boxes, and a cookie cake. His class sang to him as I videoed. It was very cute. Saturday he opened a few more gifts, and played with the things he already opened. I tried to take pictures throughout the week.
On Sunday, his actual birthday, we kicked off the day with singing to him and placing a candle in his breakfast roll. He loves blowing out candles. It seemed like he opened gifts the entire morning. We didn't know what to play with first, so we did a little of everything. In the afternoon we had a party for him at Little Gym, a kids gymnastic facility. They hold classes, camps, and birthday parties. The kids had a blast. About 10 of his friends came, partied, ate cake, and opened gifts. Dylan loved every minute of it which made us very happy. His friends were very generous.
After we got home we went into super bowl mode. We ordered pizza, put more candles in it, sang to Dylan for the 30th time that day, and got into football. It was a great day.
Our little man turned 3!!! I feel like it was just yesterday that he was born. Time has completely flown by. Dylan went from baby to little man overnight.
I tried to capture each moment as it happened. I took so many pictures but selected just a few to share.

My birthday boy celebrating his special day.

These were taken at Little Gym. The little girl is his best friend Raegan. Below you will find him being measured. We actually forgot to do this on his birthday. We did is this past weekend when he wasn't feeling well. He did grow since last year (thank goodness) but not by much.

His well visit went great. He is meeting all developmental milestones, but is underweight and short. The height part we can't control. He is a picky eater and slow to have a growing spurt. The doctor is not concerned as he is an active little guy. We are working to fatten him up.

Over the last three years, this little boy has touched our lives in every way.

He brings laughter and joy to everyone around him.

Dylan Michael,

We love you more than life itself!


Mommy & Daddy

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