Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Single Parenting

I am not cut out to be a single parent. Zack is away on business and I'm left to run the circus, ALONE! He left Monday morning and will be returning Thursday afternoon. I realize that sounds like 4 days for most people. For me it's 3 crazy nights and 3 crazy mornings.
My evenings are insane. From the moment I walk through the door I am busy feeding dogs, kids, being the door opener as the dogs go in and out, walking dogs with kids in double stroller, bathing kids, doing the puked and pooped on laundry from daycare, putting kids to bed, dishes, bottles, and prepping for the following day. Whew!!! I left out a bunch of things to shorten my already long sentence.
Basically it's crazy town here.
Now during the last 2 nights Niko & Blitz have decided to go hunting for rabbits at 1 am., Emersyn has decided to party at 3am, and in between I get up for anyone who cries during the night. I am exhausted. I've been showering at night because our mornings are busy too. I barely have time to get dressed before Emersyn is up for the day. Oh, did I mention strange noises?!? When I'm home aloneI always hear everything. I hear noises that I wouldn't normally hear. That brings me to tonight. Our down stairs bathroom backs up to the garage. Apparently we have a mouse or mice that like to hide out in the wall. So while in the bathroom I heard scratching and chewing. I let the dogs out into the garage hoping that would solve the problem. Nope! So now I have this over active imagination, thinking a mouse is going to chew through the wall and get into the house. I spend to much time with kids!!!

Needless to say, the kids have been troopers. I'm the one who is run down and ready for some relief. I appreciate my husband, but when he goes away it makes me realize how much we all need him. Plus after day 3, I've realized this week is kicking my butt!

And the thought of Zack traveling again in March makes me shutter.

One more day!

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