Sunday, May 20, 2012

Emersyn's 1st Birthday

(I've been trying to finish this post for over a week-I started last Sunday and it's now May apologies for those of you that have been waiting)

It was 10:30 p.m on May 9th, the night before Emersyn was born. It was then that I reminded Zack that at that moment, one year ago, I had my first contraction. We had been arguing about something stupid and I decided to go to bed, only to start contractions, 3 days prior to my actual due date. The useless aruging stopped and the panic set in." WE ARE HAVING A BABY!"
Oh how I remember that painful, yet exciting, 10 hour labor it took to see my baby girl. The doctors said the second delivery would be easier, but they were wrong. My delivery with Emersyn was much harder than Dylan's, and I remember as if it was yesterday.

At 8:47 a.m on Tuesday, May 10th, Emersyn Isabella Henry was born. My angel, my ladybug, my princess, my hero, my baby girl! Her poor little face was so smushed...but I cried tears of joy when she entered this world. Love at first sight!

Fast forward one year. Yes ONE YEAR!!!! My baby turned one and I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea. She has had one heck of a year! Emersyn has been through so much and still manages to blink those baby blues and flash her toothless smile at everyone around her.

Emersyn's birthday celebration wasn't just one day. It was over a week worth of fun. Packages, envelopes, presents, parties, lots of cake, and a special visit from her Grandma & Grandpa Manfredo.
On May 5th we had her 1st birthday at our neighborhood park. 17 adults, 11 kids, food, presents, cake, fun, fun, and more fun!  Friends and family were very generous in the gift department. I tried to capture all of the moments, but 280 pictures later, I had to pick and choose. On Emersyn's actual birthday she was at school. I provided mini cupcakes for the class. At this point Emersyn was programmed to dance to the 'Happy Birthday' song. I dressed her in the onesie I bought her that said "Look Who's One!". At night we celebrated with a special ladybug cake made by my friend Jenn. She was the friend that came over to watch Dylan the night I went into labor with Emersyn. The gifts and cards continued over the week, we ate cake non-stop, and left the balloons on the back of her highchair. The idea that our baby was one just wasn't setting in.

Emersyn wore a ladybug dress for her party (of course!). I had a bib made for her as well. It had a '1' on it with a ladybug and under the number was her name. Surprisingly the stain of red frosting came right out! Her smash cake was a ladybug. She started off just poking the cake, then gradually tasting it, digging in, and smushing it it all over her face. She didn't get it all over like I thought she would, but she enjoyed it thoroughly.

(Click on any collage to see it in a larger form)

Pictures below are from party day. I took so many, but had to only select a few to share or this posting would be forever long.

When I started this post (a week ago) I had so many ideas of where I wanted to go with the post. It has taken me forever and I've forgotten....go figure. So I'm going to treat it like all my other postings.

This is the last month for the monthly stickers I've been using, but I totally forgot to use the 12 month one due to all of the birthday craziness.

Ladybug Fun Facts:
- Emersyn is a speed crawling, pulling up, climbing stairs, and just beginning to cruise.
- Loves to give hugs and kisses.
- Would rather have food than a bottle. She eats almost everything and loves water.
- We are currently on our last few scoops of formula and then we are officially on whole milk. Still in the process of phasing out bottles. One thing at a time.
- Waves at everyone, points at things that interest her, plays peek-a-boo.
- Loves drinking out of a straw.
-Testing limits already. If you tell her 'no' she smiles and does it anyway.
-Says "Dada, Mama, Mo (more), hi, make a D sound for Dylan, and a K sound for many things
-Crazy hair! I don't want her to have bangs, so we are trying to let her hair grow. She pulls out bows and hair ties, so she frequently looks like a mop top.
- Gets excited to see her brother and her Daddy. The excitement never gets old. She kicks her legs and squeals with excitement every time.
-Eats more than Dylan and the difference in weight between the two of them is 4lbs.
-Still uses a paci.
-NO teeth. We see them down below in the gums, so they should be here sometime in the next month or two. I have a feeling more than one will be popping through at a time. Oh joy!

This past year has gone by so fast. Emersyn brings so much joy and laughter to our lives. I don't think there is a day that goes by that we aren't laughing together as a family. Her smile and laugh is contagious. She has a sassy, outgoing personality, that will draw you to her. Since the moment she has been born she has made me a better person. She inspires me, she is my hero,  my heart and soul, my baby girl. The love Zack & I have for her is endless.

So today we celebrate you Emersyn Isabella!

Happy Birthday to you my sweet daughter, my lovely ladybug!  WE LOVE YOU!!!!

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