Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Water Babies

While my parents were here, we had beautiful weather, which we took advantage of as you will see. Last summer Dylan had a little baby pool that was eventually destroyed by Niko & Blitz. This year we bought the next size up since we have a new addition that is part fish. We wanted room for Dylan, Emersyn, and maybe even me! We put it to the test for the first time this year.
After getting the temperature of the water just right, not to cold, not to hot, the kids willingly wanted to swim. Dylan is content just sitting in the water playing with toys. Emersyn I believe is part fish. She loves dunking her face, splashing, drinking the water, and pouring it all over herself. At one point Dylan was yelling at Emersyn for getting his hair wet. Heaven for bid he look 'geeky' as he would say. D.R.A.M.A.!!!

Tasting the water and loving it :-)

The head dunk! She does this in the bath tub too! After the dunk, she always looks up, catching her breath, with a giant smile on her face. She is quite silly...and I have NO idea where she gets that from!! HA!

Our first time this summer in the pool was a success! Next we are hoping to go to the community pool and the beach.

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