Thursday, November 22, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family.

11/19: Today I am thankful for my siblings. I have the best of both worlds, a brother and a sister!

11/20: Today I am thankful for my sweet & sassy daughter. She is so full of life and keeps me on my toes.

11/21: Today I am thankful for my kids. After watching a friends niece battle cancer, she will be admitted to hospice. She's been receiving chemo for what seems like forever. After her last surgery, the family found out the little girls left lung is filled with cancer. She is 4. The entire situation puts a pit in my stomach. It makes all the little things that I think are big, not so big anymore. It also puts Emersyn's surgery in perspective. She is now a healthy little girl, who had a one time surgery. This little girl isn't as fortunate as Emersyn. My prayers are with the family. I cherish my moments with my kids. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I am truly thankful for everyday I share with Dylan and Emersyn.

11/22: Today is Thanksgiving! I am thankful for having the day off, good food, and spending the day with my wonderful family. Zack is cooking a turkey, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade this morning, and have had a wonderful day so far. We have been making our own Henry Family traditions. Pictures to come....

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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