Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th

Happy 4th of July!!

First I'd like to wish my Grandpa George a Happy Birthday!!

Here in good ol' Holly Springs it was expected to be 99 degrees with a heat index that made it feel hotter.
The night before we threw some Pop-Its in the driveway and lit some sparklers. Emersyn & Zack enjoyed them while I spent the time reassuring Dylan that he wouldn't get hurt. (As he hid in the garage) Emersyn is my risk taker and adventurist. Dylan is my hesitant and fearful one. So after a few sparklers we called it quits.
On July 4th we went to downtown Apex for their independence day celebration. It was 10 minutes away in the next town over. We went early because the day was already so hot & sticky. We all dressed it Red, White & Blue to support the holiday. We walked around, checked out the fire truck, games (which Dylan didn't want to play), ate ice cream, explored an old train car, and called it a day. It was a great morning. At night we decided against going to see fireworks because the kids were already tired by 7, Emersyn wasn't feeling great, and the kids were afraid if the driveway fireworks. Yup, Zack blew off a mini package of fireworks at the end of the driveway. The little ones that sparked were fine. The kids liked them. The ones that popped, whistled, and made a kid noise... Well they put both kids in tears. Dylan freaked out. Emersyn had a death grip on me, shaking as she cried. Zack & I weren't sure if we should laugh or feel bad. So Dylan went inside and watched from behind a glass front door. I found this comical. He'd yell to Zack through the glass "that was a cool one!" ha!!! I stayed outside with Emersyn, who cried every time a firework went off. Towards the end we joined Dylan at the front door. I felt bad torturing her. Bummer.., that was it. My kids fear fireworks. Maybe next year!!!

It was a great day overall! I tried to capture some of the moments.

Hope everyone enjoyed the day!

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