Thursday, August 30, 2012

Got Sour Cream?

A girl after my own heart!
Emersyn was introduced to sour cream last night when we had quesadillas for dinner. She loved it! At first she tried the dipping method, then resorted to the full fist method.

Gotta love it!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Emersyn's 15m Apt

Emersyn had her 15 month check up & shots. Her overall health is great! Her head measurements are finally on the 'normal' head growth curve. Since her surgery, her head size continues to get smaller as her skull closes the way it should be. So I was pleased with that.
She is in the 63rd percentile in height and the 62nd percentile in weight. I thought she'd be heavier than what the scale said! Emersyn weighed in at 23lbs 12.5 oz.

She is meeting all of her milestones. Her 2 front teeth are moving down. Gums are swollen. Now we are waiting for those pearly whites to show. We are the late teething family! :-)

15 month checkup shots = miserable baby and sad Mommy.
Watching her scream and look at me with her hands up, as in 'pick me up'... Yup, that's enough to make me sad & feel helpless. I gave her lots of love after!!!

Did I mention Emersyn is 15 months! Where in earth did the time go???

Love this beautiful girl!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Throw Backs


I found these on our computer. Baby Zack & Baby Julie!
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Sunday Special

While Zack is out of town for Mike's bachelor party, the rest of us Henry's are having fun at home.

My adventurous side took us to Bed, Bath & Beyond on Saturday. Today we headed to Walmart for a few things. Usually the kids have a time limit in public. Dylan likes to walk and gets crazier the longer we are out. Emersyn likes to ride in the cart & be distracted with food. I sped through the stores in record time. They both cooperated! Yahoo!
The rest of the weekend we have been doing arts & crafts, and playing with every toy in the house.
I wish we could spend all day outside but the heat and/or humidity hasn't been fun.

It wouldn't be a post without adding pictures of my kiddies!

Happy Sunday!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emersyn Walking

The day has finally come! Emersyn is walking! Before she was taking a few steps here and there, but now she is pretty much doing the penguin/Frankenstein walk everywhere. She officially started just shy of 15months. Better late than never, but right on schedule with Dylan.

Here is a video clip I took at the beginning of the week. I'll try and take a longer one once Zack returns from his trip.

And so it begins...........the walking ladybug :-)

Emersyn's Moving Company

Emersyn loves to move things from place to place. Check her out!

The Silly Things

Dylan decided that today was the day he would teach Emersyn how to make fart sounds on the couch!

For a millisecond I contemplated stopping them, but the giggles got to me. For 10 minutes they laughed hysterically at each other.

Of course I ran to get my phone and captured the moment.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Learning Away

Dylan loves to learn. He just moved up to the next class ( the class I used to teach). The age group is 3 /12 to 4.
My baby is getting older & moving up in the world.

His teacher captured a moment today that I thought I'd share. He was playing in the block center and realized that his blocks could form the letter D. He even shared his 'cheese face'!

He's my little sponge that loves to learn!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cranio Anniversary

One year ago today, Zack & I were waiting anxiously in the Duke waiting room while Emersyn had surgery for Craniosynostosis.

The feelings leading up to that day are vivid in my mind. Sleepless nights, tears, anxiety, relief, pain, wonder, and fear of the unknown. The day of her surgery I remember the moment I had to hand her over to the doctor. I wasn't saying goodbye but it sure felt like it. The waiting, seeing her for the first time in the PICU, holding her, spending 5 days in the hospital, memories flooding back!
5 days of watching my little miracle, my little hero, fight like hell to heal.

It's been a long journey but I am thankful for it! I also owe more than words can provide to Dr. Grant for helping my baby! Simply an amazing person!

So here's to amazing journey!

Happy 1st Anniversary to our little Cranio Angel!