Friday, September 7, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

 Our Labor Day weekend was awesome. The days were filled with fun and nights were filled with relaxation. I did my best to use our better camera to capture the weekends finest moments.
Saturday: We took the kids to the park. The weather was finally cooler (so we thought). We headed to the Marla Dorel Park in Cary. We love this park because it has something for everyone. The park was pretty empty for a weekend. I'm guessing that was due to the holiday weekend.
Emersyn had a blast on the swings and exploring the park. Dylan loved running here, there, and everywhere. He went to each climbing structure doing his thing.
At night we took Zack out for a birthday dinner. Since we have moved to North Carolina, he has been wanting to go to The Pit. It's a well known restaurant in the Raleigh area. We all got dressed up, girls in dresses, boys in collared shirts. It's just a shame I didn't take a picture. We were excited to go and the food was so tasty, that taking pictures wasn't on my mind. The Pit lived up to Zack's expectations.
Zack & I ended the night watching a movie. Fun in the sun, good food, and relaxation!

I think you can see these collages larger if you click on them.

Sunday: We had a relaxing morning at home playing with the kids. We then headed to the pool. Emersyn loves the water and Dylan is slowly learning to love it. He has this thing with his hair. Heaven forbid it gets wet! The world might end! We are doing our best to teach him how to swim and not be afraid of the water. He's getting there, but I think I see swim lessons in his future. Emersyn on the other hand loves the pool, just as long as the water isn't too cold.
The afternoon was spent enjoying time with our kids. There is nothing better than playing together as a family. We love it.
Monday: Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! Zack turned 30!
In the morning Dylan helped Zack blow candles out on a breakfast cake. Who doesn't need an assistant to help blow out candles?!? A cute one at that! Then we gave him our presents. We gave him a Buffalo Bills cup filled with candy, a Buffalo Bills jersey, his table (which was 1/2 anniversary, 1/2 birthday gift), and a book. The book was filled with my memories of us from the last 10 years. Yup, Zack & I have been together for almost 10 years.
Zack got some birthday money from relatives, so in the afternoon we went to South Pointe. A very cool indoor-outdoor mall. He bought himself some clothes and we strolled around the mall. For dinner we cooked out on the grill and had another relaxing night. I do believe he had a nice birthday. Hopefully he thinks so too :-)
After dinner we celebrated with an ice cream cake. Dylan helped me put 30 candles on it. We sang to Zack/Daddy and once again Dylan assisted Zack in blowing out his candles. 

Happy Birthday to an awesome father, a wonderful husband, and my best friend!

I'd say this 3-day weekend was a success!
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