Thursday, December 13, 2012

Emersyn Eye Update

As most of you know, when Emersyn was a few months old, she developed a hemangioma on her left eye lid. This is a bump, too many blood vessels in one area, that we've been watching closely to make sure it did not impair her vision.

The type of hemangioma that she has usually hits its peak in growth after a few months and then stops growing. In her case, it could take years before it goes away. The eye doctor said it should be completely gone by age 7. That's a long time in my mind. So every few months Emersyn goes to get her vision checked.
They want to make sure that the hemangioma isn't causing her eye lid to droop into the area of the pupil. If this happened, it could cause some blindness in that eye. Thankfully this has never happened! Emersyn's 'bump' stopped growing a few months after we discovered it. It has never bothered her, and has never created a problem. As she grow and time passes, the area has become skin tone color and smaller. This is fantastic news!!

At her appointment on Monday she received a clean bill of vision. Both eyes are basically the same. The hemangioma is only expected to decrease in size. The doctor also checks to make sure her vision hasn't changed since her surgery,
I was so pleased with the results!!!

Now, because her eyes were dilated, she was given some glasses to wear on our way home. The elderly people in the eye center were loving it. Emersyn got more smiles and comments about her glasses. I think she was basking in her instant rise to stardom! In the parking lot she was waving to people! Of course, the people all waved back, grinning from ear to ear!

Check her out!

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