Sunday, May 26, 2013

Color Mania 5k

On April 6th I ran my first 5k. I've been meaning to post about it for awhile, but then as usual I got busy with family. The next time I was about to post, the Boston Marathon explosion happened. I decided it wasn't the best time for me to recap my run, and decided to redirect my attention on following the news on all the injured and the few that died. Just when people think they are safe, they aren't. Sad, very sad.
So here I am, a month and a half later........
It all started when I decided I really  needed to lose weight and get my body to the point that I wanted it. I know it's work but I needed to start somewhere. Signing up for this run held me accountable. So I started running at night and on weekends. Trying to find time with two small kids and working full time was a challenge for me. I'd love to join a gym, but I don't sit down until 8:30 at night and by then im exhausted from the day. When I added running into the mix, my relaxation time after the kids went to bed disappeared. But well worth it.
I signed up for The Color Run with a few girls I used to teach Kindergarten with. The object was to wear as much white as possible so that when runners crossed the finish line, they'd be filled with different colors. Let me back track. During the run, you cross through stations where volunteers throw color on your face, hair, clothing, or wherever it lands. In my case, I got it right in the mouth once because I was laughing. The powder they throw is some sort of colored cornstarch mixture. Let me tell you, it stains, and doesn't taste good at all!
The run went well and I had a blast. At the finish line, volunteers gave the runners packets of the colored cornstarch. As the music blared, everyone opened packets, and on the count of 3, BOOM, a cloud of color, raining down on a bunch of sweaty runners. It was AWESOME.
 Here I am in white. It was a cool morning, so I had on a white sports bra, white tank top, and my long sleeved shirt. The cornstarch stained my skin through all those layers. 

It's hardd to tell but I had pink in my hair and on my cheek, yellow on the other cheek and in my teeth. Yum!

The end product. This picture doesn't do any justice.

I was proud of my color.

My number. It wasn't chipped unfortunately. This was more of a fun race than anything.
A chip would have let me check my times. 

My running buddies.

The Cloud! That's after we walked out of it. The packets of corn starch made this crazy cloud of color.
Eventually I'd love to run a half marathon. But for now I signed up for a 4 mile race in October that the proceeds go towards our local high school sports medicine class. Then I signed up for a September run, which is the sister run to this one. It will be held at night and full of glow sticks. 

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