Wednesday, July 27, 2011

20 Random Things

20 Random Things About Me:
1. I hate getting my hands dirty.
2. I love funnel cake.
3. I make a funny face when I shiver.
4. I'm obsessed with chapstick
5. I sleep on my right side.
6. It drives me crazy when other people lay on my pillow.
7. Lightning scares me.
8. I love sweet tea and Coke.
9. I'd love to be locked in a Barnes & Nobles so I could read all day.
10. I'm afraid of falling;therefore I'm afraid of heights.
11. Chicken finger subs are my favorite.
12. I buy a People Magazine every Sunday when I grocery shop.
13. Bad breath grosses me out.
14. I've always wanted to be a Mom.
15. In the winter I love wearing slippers.
16. I like hugs, but I am not a hug initiator.
17. I don't like the feeling of satin.
18. I love a man with a scruffy face. Not a beard, a 2 day scruffy face : )
19. I love turning up the music and dancing with my family.
20. I love to laugh!

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