Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Name

What's in the name? Our life has always been busy, sometimes chaotic. Since Emersyn has been born we refer to our daily life as a 'circus'. After using this term on a daily basis I thought it was the perfect fit for a blog name.
If you've ever been to our house you may agree. Niko & Blitz will greet you at the door with their energetic barking. They are so excited to see visitors that they run back and forth, try and jump (which we try and stop), and beg for you to pet them. Dylan the tornado somehow creates a mess in every room he enters. Toys, toys and more toys! Emersyn was born a princess and feels the need to be carried constantly. This leads to our house...organized chaos. Usually one of us is playing and chasing after Dylan while the other is caring and holding Emersyn. I try my best to keep the house cleaned up, but somehow it refuses to stay that way. Currently the kids do not nap at the same time, so finding time to clean is a challenge. This is just a glimpse of our circus. The best 'circus' times are when the dogs are howling and the kids are crying. For most people this would be alarming. We embrace these crazy times with laughter, and sometimes tears.
I am the ringmaster of this crazy life we call the circus. I do my best to keep everything and everyone tamed, but it doesn't always work out that way. So I put a smile on, and sometimes I think I should have a sign on my front door that states "Welcome to the Circus!".
It will get better with time, but until then I welcome you to The Henry Family Circus!!!!!!

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