Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Picky Toddler

Meal time seems to be a constant battle with Dylan. At first we'd make the mistake of asking him what he wanted to eat. That was a disaster as he would tell us one thing, we'd make it and then he would say no asking for something else. DRIVING ME CRAZY! Why are toddlers picky???So now I make him something without asking. On a good day he will eat. He loves pickles, cucumbers, pasta, yogurt, turkey, pizza, fruit, fruit and more fruit. On a bad day I jump through hoops trying to get him to eat.
Today was one of those days. Lunch consisted of Lightning McQueen mac & cheese, Dora yogurt and sliced cucumbers. He loves this stuff! But today he refused to eat. That is where I become a crazy Mommy. I danced around the kitchen (holding Emersyn), while I made up a really dumb song about eating each one of the foods I just listed. While I sang, he ate!!!!! After he was done, he looked at me and said "Mommy, you are crazy!" But what he doesn't know is I WON!! Well, at least this time.
So to all of my friends with toddlers, please let me know what works for you.

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