Sunday, December 4, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Over Thanksgiving weekend we decorated the house for Christmas. This year Dylan was very involved and excited about everything. He helped with the tree, hanging ornaments, window lights, and various decorations around the house. The look on his face every time he opened a new tub of decorations was priceless. He would yell " Look at this Mommy!".
Last year was fun, but as Dylan gets older Christmas takes on a new meaning. He understands more, gets excited easily, and makes the spirit of the holidays come alive. Emersyn is still to young, but she is very aware of the tree. She tries to grab the branches if she is close by, and is in awe of the lights. I tried to capture some moments as we decorated. Enjoy!

This year we purchased an artificial tree. I love the smell of a real tree in the house, but the needles are a pain and make our vacuum smell. Plus we only get to enjoy it for a few weeks since we go home to Buffalo each year. Eventually I'd like to have a real tree as well, but that won't come until we have a bigger house.
Dylan was Zack's little helper as he unpacked the tree. I think the bubble wrap was more fun than unwrapping everything!
By the look on Dylan's face, it apparently took to long to get the tree up. He was anxiously awaiting the next step.....decorating it!
My little man! I can't believe he is almost 3!!!! Isn't he so handsome?!?!?!?

I couldn't resist posting this picture. Dylan loves to lay next to Emersyn. He tries to show her how to crawl and move. Zack was talking to them and I captured the moment.
Daddy Elf and his helper! They did a great job helping me throughout the weekend.
Here is our final product. Dylan messed the tree skirt up right as I was about to take the picture. Arrrr!
Happy Holidays!

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