Saturday, December 17, 2011

Emersyn is 7 months

On December 10th Emersyn turned 7 months. Every month I wonder where the time has gone. She is growing leaps and bounds developmentally and in size. This month I ordered a bunch of headbands for Emersyn, so I decided it was flower power time! It was nude shots (with a diaper on), and some of the headbands I bought her. I was so excited about the headbands, I forgot to use the 7 month sticker and her teddy bear. Oops!
Emersyn almost weighs 20lbs. She is very tall and a solid rock! She isn't crawling yet, but rolling all over to get to her destination. She has the beginning mechanics of crawling, just isn't quite there. She grabs at anything and everything, and puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! I have a feeling teeth are on the way. She is eating infant oatmeal, veggies, fruits, and the occasional rice bar that melts in her mouth as she nibbles on it. Emersyn is a happy baby and loves to laugh. She has a hearty laugh too! She can be sweet and cuddly, but has a sassy streak. (I have NO IDEA where she gets that from..wink, wink!) She is taking interest in the dogs, loves her Daddy, and thinks Dylan is hilarious. She is a Mommy's girl lately and I love it!
She completes are family and we love her to pieces. I still can't believe she is 7 months!

My sweet angel! How can you not love those chubby rolls on her legs?!?!?

I tried and tried to flip this picture, but it just wouldn't cooperate. I love her expression here.
I love the color teal on her. It brings out her eye color. So far we've been lucky with those baby blues. I hope they stay. Her auburn hair, fair skin, and blue eyes make her the beauty she is!
Her hair is growing so much, the scar from her surgery barely shows. Up close you can see some areas but for the most part it's fading and her hair covers it nicely.

A baby girl, one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in our world today.

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