Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Visit

For weeks now I have had these collages uploaded. Life got busy and I forgot that I never finished the post. Oops! So let me back up a bit. My parents came down to visit the first weekend of May. Then they traveled to see my Grandparents in South Carolina, and came back to us on Emersyn's birthday. So we had 6 days with them, just split into two separate weekends. It was wonderful.

We ventured to the park, played in the yard, and had some good quality time together. Dylan is at the age where he understands that his grandparents live far away, so he gets very excited when they visit.
The last time Emersyn saw my parents was at Christmas, so she had to ease her way into the visit. At first she was hesitant, but eventually warmed right up.  
 During the visit my Dad, aka. The Landscaper, helped us out with our front bushes, re mulching, and helping Zack put up a shed. Zack was thrilled he had the help and we are very thankful for all his hard work. Dylan got in on the action too!

My parents were here to celebrate Emersyn's actual birthday and her birthday party. It was nice having family around for such as special occasion. Living far away stinks sometimes, especially on holidays and birthdays. It was so nice to have them apart of our week celebration.

(sorry this post was so late)

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