Friday, June 22, 2012

Tap & Tumble

A company called Tap & Tumble comes to Dylan's school every Thursday. The options are either dance class or tumble class. Dylan goes to tumble with a group of kids his age and loves it.
We enrolled him to strengthen his gross motor skills, but also for fun too! I get a 1/2 price discount because I work at the school, which helps because it's expensive.

Last Saturday night was the recital to showcase what the kids have learned. The theme was Mary Poppins. Keep in mind this recital was made up of 2 1/2-5 year olds. It was a hoot! For most of these kids it was the first time performing in front of a large group. I don't think I ever stopped smiling and/or laughing. The dancers were cute. Some did wonderful, others just stood there hiding behind their prop.
Dylan's best friend Raegan was a dancer. She is a ham and meant for theater! Dylan made sure to tell her how pretty she looked. :-)
Dylan's tumble group did there thing to the song 'A spoon full of sugar'. Each child got to showcase their tumbles, including rolls, balance beam, trampoline jumping, and more. Dylan was cute. He followed directions, had a smile on his face, waved to us frequently, and did a great job! We were very proud!

I only took a few pictures because I was video taping instead. I thought this was something we needed to have on video for out of town family to enjoy in September (when we go home next).
I don't know how to get the video on here from the camera so my apologies.
You'll have to just enjoy the 4 pictures.

Dylan will continue to go to Tap & Tumble throughout the summer. This is why he looks forward to Thursdays.

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