Monday, October 22, 2012

M & M Wedding Week

As most of you know, we went home to Buffalo for 7 days to endure in some exciting familly events. Mike & Michelle got married and my Grandma Louise turned 90. Over the course of a week I took 300 plus pictures. I obviously can't post them all, so I will select a few of my favorites.

To begin our adventure we decided to drive. We thought we had a grand idea of driving through the night so the kids would sleep. NOT! On the way to Buffalo, let see.....Kids were up until almost 2 am, they took turns crying, we sworved to avoid a GIANT deer but ran over him anyway, came to a stop for an hour behind an accident that had to mercy flight people out, and exhaustion was an understatement. (PHEW!!) On our return trip back home I hoped and wished our trip would go smoother. Nope! Well, the kids slept significantly more this time around, but Zack and I were so tired from the weeks events that we had trouble staying awake. We had to switch drivers every 2 hours. Everytime I got behind the wheel it would rain and heavy fog would set in. I could barely see the  front of our car, let alone the road. Dark, mountains, rain and fog = Julie freaking out. So after 3 panic attacks I gave up and Zack was forced to drive while I tried to keep him awake. WORST CAR RIDES EVER!

Now on to the best part of the trip!!! Family & Fun! We had a wonderful week visiting with all of our families. We got to see both sets of Zack's parents, my sister, my family and extended family, and of course the bride and groom. What can I say? Watching my Grandma turn 90 was awesome. As long as I'm healthy, I hope to live that long. She was taken back by all of the celebrations that took place in her honor. And for my baby brother marrying the girl of his dreams....well, for as happy as I am, I must admit I had my teary moments. Mike is the best brother a sister could ask for. We've shared in so many memories. I was his second Mom and he was my little buddy. He is one of reasons I have a hard time living away from home. Too much distance between me and my little buddy, who is now all grown up. Watching him prep for his wedding day was surreal. Everything was wonderful and I am so proud of him. The wedding was beautiful and our family was honored to be apart of the big day.

Side note: My pictures only include one from the wedding. We haven't had a chance to see any of the wedding day photos. So once I get my hands on some, I'll be happy to share. The photos I took were from our visit.

                                                Dylan & Sophia coming down the isle! So cute!

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