Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Let me start off by saying.. I AM SICK OF NATURAL DISASTERS! I freak out during lightning and thunderstorms, so you can imagine my nerves during times like these. We have lived in Western New York, Southern California, and now Central North Carolina. Therefore, we have experienced snow, blizzards, earthquakes, wild fires, tornado's and now hurricanes. I think I am leaving something out but I can't remember. (lack of brain power from sleepless nights)
So now that we have experienced some degree of all of the above, I'd prefer not to be apart of any natural disaster again. Yes I know, this won't happen. I can hope right?
Now, onto Hurricane Irene. I'm sure most of you watch the news and are very aware of Irene's path. In Holly Springs we saw no more than an inch of rain and LOTS of gusty winds. We decided to stay in for the day and not subject the kids to the crazy weather. On a side note: Dylan thought he would blow away if he went outside. Throughout the day I tried to capture some of our family moments.

Zack & Emersyn early in the morning. I love her little polka-dot jammies! We did spend the majority of our day in comfy clothing. It was a great day for that.
We built a track for Dylan's match box cars. We also built cool things with blocks, Lincoln logs and Lego's. Dylan is a busy body and pretty much played with everything he owned.
We love to take funny pictures of ourselves. Dylan thinks it's funny. I obviously looked not so cute this day, hence me attempting to hide behind my handsome little guy.

Keeping busy with puzzles is always fun. After we put together the puzzle, we used the pieces to create a cube to put little treasures in.
Zack took Dylan out to get the mail. At first he was hesitant because he thought he'd blow away. He spent a lot of his time looking out the window and the trees blowing to and fro. He finally decided to go out but in the arms of Daddy. Once he was out there, he loved it. He didn't want to come back in. I think he like the wind in his face.
Emersyn obviously isn't as active as Dylan. She did have tummy time and play a little. Here she is looking beautiful as ever. She really didn't care about the hurricane.
Windy days make Niko & Blitz C.R.A.Z.Y. They love to take walks in the wind. We walked them in the morning and at night, but during the day they had spurts of craziness. In this picture they were wrestling. Something caught their eye out the front door and they froze. I took the opportunity to include them in our Saturday Hurricane pictures.
Dylan loves to sit on Zack's shoulders. I think he was squeezing Zack's head. HA!
Overall we had a great day while Hurricane Irene was passing through. I'm glad we didn't get anymore than rain and winds. I'd be happy if I never saw another natural disaster. Keep in mind, Holly Springs had an earthquake on Tuesday and in April we had a tornado. EEEEKKK!

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