Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Week in Review

A Week in Review

I thought I'd recap our first week home with Emersyn.
We came home at noon on Sunday. I can't really remember a whole lot from that day as I was exhausted. Thank goodness my mom was here to help out. I was excited to see Dylan and to put our family back together. It makes me sad being away from my little ones.

Sunday and Monday night Emersyn slept well during the day and night. She still had pain meds in her. We did get more sleep those nights. The days were filled with us trying to get her back on a schedule, making sure she ate and had lots of love!! Her pain was definitely present and she let us know by her high pitched screams.

The rest of the week the pain seemed to lessen. We are very cautious of her incision but she's beginning to be the Emersyn we know. We are giving her Tylenol for any remaining pain and bacitracin ointment on her incision. During the day she is very alert. At night we've been getting up a few times because she wakes up crying and/or screaming. We heard about this prior to surgery. This should hopefully subside within the next few weeks. Otherwise, her swelling is going down as expected. We have a post- op appointment on Tuesday. I'm very eager to see what the doctor says about her progress.

The dogs are doing well with her head. They try and sniff it out of concern. They only want to help clean her boo boo. We are quick to move her or scoot them in the other direction.
Dylan loves his sister! He sings & talks to her. When she cries he says " it's okay baby Emersyn".
He's a very sweet boy. He knows the doctors 'fixed' her head. He will tell us "Emerysn has a boo boo on her head" and then proceeds to kiss her hand.

So her first week home is going well. Everyone is adjusting. Time heals all wounds.

Thank you to everyone for supporting us during this difficult time!!

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