Thursday, August 18, 2011

Midnight Circus

Here is another reason why my blog has the word circus in it......

A typical night in our house includes Emersyn crying out and me running to stick her paci in hoping she doesn't wake Dylan. This happens every half hour. At some point she has a hungry cry. So while I'm changing her diaper, Zack makes a bottle. Emersyn is LOUD so we do everything in a speedy manner. Zack runs down the stairs, makes a bottle, runs back up. I change her as fast as possible and get situated in the rocker, hoping that Zack gets here before her cry turns into a scream. We usually take turns with feedings. On occasion Dylan wakes up crying from a dream or simply because he hears Emersyn. This is NOT a good time.
Now let's add the dogs to the mix! Niko & Blitz see us up and decide it's time for them to go outside and pee. One night this week a bunny was in our yard. Normally they go out, do their business and come back in. NOPE!!! The bunny caused chaos. The dogs were running around the yard attempting to kill Mr. Bunny while barking so the entire neighborhood could here them. After the bunny escaped under the fence, it took me 1/2 hour to get them inside and calm again. Phew!!!!
Zack and I work as a team and I am grateful for that. The one who isn't with Emersyn is caring for Dylan and the dogs.
I called this post 'Midnight' circus, but let's get real here... It's an ALL night circus in our house. By the time we both get into a deep sleep our alarms are going off. This gives new meaning to exhaustion. We try to keep humor in our lives. It tends to make everything easier :-)

So, if you ever wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, just come on over! The circus is always ready to entertain!
*Side Note: Hopefully this craziness calms down when Emersyn starts to sleep the night again. This constant crying out is due to surgery. We just hope is phases out!


  1. Opps I typed this at 4:30 and my spell check didn't pick up some of the errors

  2. You poor thing!! I feel tired just reading this!! I think it's awesome how well you and Zack work together as a team. :-)
