Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Recap

Christmas is our favorite time of the year. It is also a very busy time. We celebrated our North Carolina Christmas the weekend before we traveled to Buffalo, NY. Then once we were in Buffalo, we celebrate with our three families, my parents, and both sets of Zack's parents. It is always fun, busy, and exhausting. We had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends. I have so many many pictures, I thought I'd do a mini recap.
And so this is Christmas..................

This was a once in a life time shot. It's so hard to get them both smiling and looking at the camera. This was taken on the morning of our "NC Christmas". Dylan, Emersyn and I walked down the stairs together to find our presents from Santa. Daddy took home movies to capture of moment.
Dylan got a few games, Lego's, and a leap frog tag from Santa. His stocking was filled with goodies too, but those were a few of his bigger gifts.
Emersyn was more interested in the wrapping paper and tissue paper. Mmm Mmm good!
My Aunt Patty bought her this dress. She posed so well for this shot. Hmmm....another baby that likes the camera!
Fast forward a week.....We left for Buffalo the Thursday before Christmas. We drove through the night THINKING the kids would sleep. We ran into bad weather and had kids who took turns freaking out in the back seat. Needless to say, I sat in the middle of them most of our 13 hour ride and didn't get much sleep. Oh the fun.......
We were glad to be in Buffalo. We stayed with my parents. They had a train set for Dylan to play with. We spent a lot of time playing on the carpet with this train. Emersyn was amused as the train went round and round.
Uncle Mike loving on Emersyn! For a guy that is afraid of a poopy diaper, he sure is a great Uncle!
Aunt Jenn (Zack's sister) was in town. This was the first time she has met the kids.
We spent Christmas Eve morning with Pops and Nana (Zack's Dad & Stepmom). Dylan loves playing lego's with Pops.
This little guy is the best present life has given me! Along with his sweet little sister.
Our bath time in the sink tradition. Emersyn had a blast taking a bath. She could sit up, eat bubbles, splash, and see everyone. Can't get enough of those chubby arms!!
On Christmas Eve, we went to Zack's Mom and step dads house. Dyan spent much of his time playing with Uncle Ben (Zack's brother).

Christmas Day was spent at my parents house. In the morning there was wrapping paper flying everywhere, so many gifts were being opened. Dylan was in his glory because Santa came to Grandma & Grandpa's house too!

Little Ladybugs first Christmas. I'm usually the one taking the pictures, but I really wanted a picture of E & me!
Dylan was sleeping when we took this picture. He is the missing link :-( Uncle Mike & Aunt Lisa loved spending time with the kids.
Mike & Michelle(my brother's fiance).
Dylan loved opening gifts so much, he was very willing to help everyone else.

We even got a visit from Uncle Travis and Priscilla! They traveled all the way from California. We don't get to see them very often, but when we do it's always a fun time!
I love this picture! Emersyn wasn't to sure of Travis. She warmed up after awhile. Their faces are priceless.
Dylan was sharing his popcorn with Daddy & Uncle Travis. Travis is one of our best friends. He was in our wedding and the three of us lived together in California. Travis is so awesome, we want our kids to call him 'Uncle Travis'. So while he doesn't have any blood relation, we consider him a brother, near and dear to our hearts. it is folks....this is officially where Emersyn gets her big mouth from! I'll be framing this one for sure!
Had to stick this one in there! Mr. & Mrs. Henry enjoying a night out without the kids.
Grandma Claryce (Zack's Mom) with the kids.
Dylan couldn't get enough of Uncle Mike. After we came home he said " I love that Uncle Mike"!

Grandma & Grandpa (my parents) with Dylan. Emersyn was sleeping. We just couldn't seem to get pictures with both kids in them. Someone was always sleeping.
Oh wait....yes we did. This was one of two shots with both kids.
We had an awesome time visiting family and friends. We got so many wonderful gifts and are appreciative of the generous people in our lives. I took many, MANY photo's while we were there. I obviously can't upload them all, so I had to be selective.
We hope everyone had a terrific Christmas & a Happy New Year!

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