Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Emersyn Update

Today we celebrate Emersyn being 5 months post-op. I can't believe my baby had skull surgery. Sometimes it doesn't seem real. I occasionally look back at the pictures we took during our hospital stay, and I am amazed at how far she's come.

Emersyn & I traveled to Duke hospital today to meet with the pediatric neurosurgeon. Dr. Grant is the amazing doctor that fixed our beautiful baby girl. I was anxious to hear what he had to say about her progress, hoping it would all be positive. When Dr. Grant walked into the room Emersyn smiled at him. Keep in mind she has an early case of stranger danger, so it was comforting that she smiled. It was the smile of " Hey, I remember you!" Maybe she did remember him, or maybe he was lucky to get a smile out of her.
Dr. Grant took one look at Emersyn and stated how great she looked. Her head shape is rounding out, the bump on her forehead is smoothing out, her incision is healing well, she's meeting her milestones, and the soft spot is still present. WAHOO! I was relieved!
He felt around and said everything feels like it should. It's important that a soft spot is present. We don't want her skull plates closing to fast or she'd have to have surgery again. Let's not think about that....
So, the next appointment is scheduled for June. At that point a CT scan will be done to give us a more detailed view of her skull. If all goes well we will only go back yearly vs. every few months.

Today was a success! We are off to a great New Year!

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