Thursday, January 19, 2012

Transition Week Update

Well, this week has been totally opposite of what I thought it would be. I 'thought' the kids would be transitioning everyday and it would be a normal week. Normal in the Henry house, who was I kidding?!?

We kicked off our Monday morning with Dylan sick. He has a cold, a mild case of pink eye, and a double ear infection. He is on antibiotics but continues to be grumpy and emotional.
He missed his first transition day, but has done well Tuesday and Wednesday. As of Friday he will officially be in his new class. I think he will do fine. He is a sensitive little guy and his new teachers are tough, so time will tell.
Emersyn hasn't transitioned at all this week. 9:30 is when the children move to their new classrooms. It seems that Emersyn likes to nap at that time, therefore she sleeps through most of the transition time. Today would have been her first full day in the new class 9:30-3:30, then back to her old class for the remainder of my work shift. BUT she now has pink eye, double pink eye to be exact! So she will be out of school today and will return tomorrow. She hasn't spent much time in her new class so I'm a little worried about how she'll do. She doesn't do well with the unfamiliar face. Her new teachers have tried to say hello to her but she gives them a stone cold stare.

I started with a chest cold/congestion a few days ago. Pretty much everyone is under the weather. Zack stayed home with Dylan on Monday, which means I'm home today with Emersyn.

This week hasn't gone as I planned, but then again, when does it ever?!?
Life is constantly keeping us on our toes. Hopefully by next week I'll be able to report back on the progress of the kids and their new classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. The next time this happens while I'm tracked out, call me and I'll be glad to help. Hope you all get well very soon.
