Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Crawler

My little ladybug is finally on the move. Last Thursday, 10 months and 5 days old, Emersyn started to crawl. Yes, Yippee, Yeah, Hooray, Wahoo! We are very excited.
I had pulled out the paperwork I saved from Dylan's physical therapist, and we began working with Emersyn at home. Why pay for services if we can try to help her ourselves?!? So I have a feeling with our assistance and the fact that she was now ready to move, allowed her to finally meet the crawling milestone. Better late than never!
This video was taken Thursday...Day 1 of crawling.

It's been a few days and each day she becomes a little more confident. She started off a bit wobbly, but is slowly fine tuning her skill. She is everywhere and in everything. It's awesome to watch her work so hard and finally be successful. Dylan never crawled so we are ecstatic! Check back with me in a few weeks when she is into more and going up stairs. HA!

Congrats to our little crawling ladybug! We are so proud of you!

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