Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sick Again

Dylan is sick again. I've tried cleaning, opening windows, and being extra germ cautious. The world of daycare is a giant germ bank. So no matter how much I have him wash his hands, change his clothes, he still gets sick.

Friday he started with a fever, cough, and runny nose. The fever carried on over the weekend. He was grouchy and not eating. If you know Dylan, you know how grouchy he gets when he's hungry. Naturally he wasn't hungry because he didn't feel well. Not even for ice cream!!! Now that's sick!! Monday rolled around and Motrin wasn't helping. He still had a fever. After a visit to the doctor, we found out he had pneumonia. How he got that is beyond me! Many things are going around, but that's not one of them. The fevers, the chills, restless nights, no eating, it all started to make sense.
Did I mention, my already underweight guy, lost 3 lbs!!

Dylan received a breathing treatment at the doctor. It seemed to loosen things up a bit. We were sent home with a nebulizer and a prescription. The meds are once a day, the nebulizer is every 4 hours today, every 6-8 Wednesday & Thursday. Hopefully that's enough to kick this germ party out of his system.

Now... Onto a 3 year old using a nebulizer. NOT fun! It's a battle every time. He has to wear a little dinosaur mask that covers his nose, mouth, and chin. The actual machine itself is loud, and the mask looks uncomfortable. He wears it for 10-15 minutes to breathe in the Albuterol. I have him watch cartoons to distract him. The Albuterol, the drug he's breathing in, is like crack. After the treatment he is jittery, hyper, and totally not my sweet little boy. All symptoms are common according to his doctor. I can't wait until he is off this stuff. I know it helps but the side effects are crazy.

I am frustrated with this cold season. My kids catch everything. If its not Dylan, than its Emersyn. I'm pretty much at the doctor with one of them every week, or every other week. Zack tries his best to help. He's already used a bunch of his sick days. He makes more money, so it doesn't make sense for him to be the one staying home. My boss is probably getting irritated with all the appointments and sick days I have to take. Not to mention all of the scheduled well visits, and Duke appointments Emersyn has for her head. I'm sick of my kids being sick. When we ( Zack & i) get sick, we still go to work because we don't have time to take off. We've used it all on the kids. Arrrr germs!!!

Hoping for a healthy Spring season!

Pictures: pouting & not listening at the doctors. The mask for the nebulizer.

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