Saturday, March 10, 2012

Emersyn is 10 Months

10 months is here already? Where did my little baby go?
Emersyn is becoming her own little person. She has always had her own personality that defines who she is. She is now more aware of her surroundings, has become very attached to her family, and reacts to the world going on around her. She is a happy little girl who brings a smile to so many faces.

This baby girl is a Mommy's girl. Don't get me wrong, she loves her Daddy, but currently prefers me. I know it's just a phase, a phase that will pass. But for this moment, I thoroughly enjoy it!
Emersyn has learned to clap. She claps her hands when music is playing or when someone is singing. Did I mention she loves music?! She loves to dance to pretty much anything that has a good beat.
Her eyes are still blue. At this point I don't think they will change, or I'm hoping they won't change. They are a beautiful part of who she is. It's like looking into the ocean.
Some random things about Emersyn....
She loves bath time! She will be our little fish. She splashes and tries to dunk her face in the water.
She sleeps the night (7:30-6:30) most nights.
Her hair is on rapid growth. I don't want to cut it for she might look like a boy...eek! So for now we use headbands, bow clips, make top of the head ponies, or just go natural. I can't wait to put little pig tails in!
She has two favorite friends at school, Trent & Gia, who she plays with daily.
She loves her singing doggie, baby doll, knocking over blocks, playing with things that don't belong to her, and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth.
No signs of teeth. Keep in mind, Dylan's first tooth came in at 13months. We are late teethers.
She loves drinking water from a sippy cup.
She eats pretty much all table food. Loves fruit and any kind of noodles.
We call her Emersyn, Em, Ladybug, princess. School calls her Em and Emmie (Not a fan!).

She just started standing with some confidence, but not for very long. She is still very wobbly. Now when I say standing, she isn't pulling up yet, so it's us putting her in the standing position. We are trying to build her confidence in standing while peaking her interest at the same time.
I'm happy to say we have made progress in the standing flat department. Emersyn was standing flat, but then decided standing on her toes was better. According to our pediatrician, standing on toes could lead to other problems, so we've been working with Emersyn frequently. She is doing much better and I am confident with our assistance she will be just fine.

On to crawling....Emersyn is working SO hard to crawl. She sits up and transitions with ease, but is still having trouble moving forward. She will get on all all fours, sometimes with her booty in the air like a downward dog pose, and then proceed to flop back to her belly. Not being able to crawl doesn't stop her. She always gets to her desired location. I dug up my physical therapy documents from Dylan's sessions to help us out. We've been working with her for 2 weeks and already see improvement. She really wants to move, so with her ambition, and our assistance, I truly think she will crawl soon. We are going to give it a few more weeks. If she isn't pulling up independently and/or crawling, we might just have her evaluated. It could be nothing, it could be something. If anyone is going to be an advocate, it's going to be us.
I L.O.V.E this little girl with my entire existence. She makes me a better person. Her smile lights up the room, and her laugh is contagious.

I had to include a picture of her and the sticker. This month she left it on her shirt for most of the time. It wasn't until the end that she discovered it. Once found, game over!

Happy 10 Months to my beautiful angel baby!

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