Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Last year on May 9th I took a year leave from Wake County Public School System. My intentions at that point were geared to being a stay at home mommy.

As most of you know, we did not anticipate Emersyn needing skull surgery. That was a slight financial setback for us. I stayed home from May to October. I loved every minute if it. Due to the amount of medical bills we had, I got a job at a learning center/ daycare. The same place Dylan already went. That way I could work & see them too.

Months have now passed and I had to let my school know if I was returning from leave in May. That would be the one year mark. While I would love to go back, financially it doesn't make sense. The county hasn't given teachers a raise in years. The cost of daycare for 2 kids would cost me more than my monthly income. We'd be in the negative each month. Not to mention the meetings, hours of school work I bring home, and the time away from my kids.

So I finally submitted my resignation letter. I didn't think it would be hard but it was. I stared blankly at the form for what seemed like forever. I really love teaching and hope that someday I will be able to return. Maybe when Dylan starts Kindergarten??? There's a scary thought! Dylan turning 5!!
Onward... I completed the form, sealed it in an envelope, and placed it in the mailbox. When I put the mailbox flag up a sad feeling came over me.

It's official.

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