Saturday, October 8, 2011


I started Emersyn on rice cereal a few weeks back. I've been meaning to post about it but somehow there is just not enough time in the day. Anyway, with Dylan we waited until he was closer to 6 months. Emersyn is a hungry girl so I thought I'd give it a shot. Rice cereal didn't sit well with her belly as it was causing diarrhea. The pediatrician suggested going off of cereal all together for a few days to clear up her GI track. We just recently started up again, this time trying a single grain oatmeal. I think she actually prefers the oatmeal rather than the rice. I would as well since the rice cereal is so bland and doesn't look appetizing at all. She gobbles the oatmeal right up. I'm hoping her belly agrees with this one. Then we can start on some fruit. I'm not in a rush to buy baby food, but I feel like she wants something else other than formula. Most babies her age can go 3-4 hours in between feedings. Not Emersyn! My baby girl loves to eat. She goes anywhere between 2-3 hours. If I try to hold her off she becomes a very cute looking monster.
I tried to capture her eating cereal but the pictures are not the greatest. I took them with my phone and I took them by myself while trying to feed her. Not a good combination. I probably should have waited for Zack to come home. Oh well.

Let me tell you about these hands of hers! They are ALWAYS in her mouth. So after every spoonful of cereal, she'd shove her hands in her mouth and suck on them. Very interesting to watch and a bit frustrating for the person feeding her. The cereal ends up all over her face, bib, hands, legs, shirt and many other places. Fun, fun for everyone!
I had to include a picture of these sexy legs! I LOVE THEM!! Including solids in her meals will only make the rolls bigger. Wahoo! Gotta' love the chub!

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