Sunday, October 16, 2011

NC Zoo

I am behind on my blog posts. I started back to work last week and we are adjusting to the new schedule. I forgot how busy we get when both of us are working.
Now onto our wonderful trip to the NC Zoo.......

The Friday before I started my job we decided to go to the zoo. Fall is the perfect time because it's not as hot and going on a weekday would mean less crowds. I think it took us close to 2 hours to get there and surprisingly the kids did great in the car. I think the anticipation of going to the zoo is what was killing Dylan. We've only been to the NC Zoo once before and Dylan was a lot younger. He only remembers through the pictures we have. Now that he is older and very much into animals, we thought this was the perfect time. So we packed for a day trip and off we went.

Thank goodness for a double stroller! With an infant and a toddler, I can't think of any other way of getting around the zoo. Dylan did his fair share of walking as Emersyn hung out in the baby bjorn but when both kids were tired, the stroller was a life saver. We saw many wonderful animals. The polar bear was the only animal not at the zoo. They are renovating his home so he was temporarily moved. Otherwise, we saw pretty much everything. Dylan was in awe of every animal and couldn't wait to move on to the next attraction. Emersyn enjoyed herself and was definitely over stimulated. I didn't post many animal pictures, just moments of the kids enjoying themselves.

It was chilly in the morning but quickly warmed up. Emersyn had a blast. These days she loves to look around and take in the world around her. Unfortunately every picture we take of her she is wearing a bib. Boy oh boy does that girl drool! I love this picture because she was so serious. At this point she was in the baby bjorn staring at the animals.

Dylan LOVES Diego & Dora so we had to take our picture here. This was a 4-D movie adventure. We didn't go in because of course it cost extra money, but also because Dylan hasn't been to the movies yet and I wasn't about to start at the zoo.
Here is the zoo crew! Zack & I took turns pushing the stroller while the other person carried Emersyn in the baby bjorn.
I'm never really in photos because I'm always behind the camera. We worked really hard to get Dylan to look at the camera and still failed. He was so distracted by the people and the chimps. So this is the best shot we had.
This picture is priceless! Dylan was enamored by the chimps. There was a baby chimp smaller than Emersyn that rode on its Mommy's back. Too cute! The chimp in this photo walked right up to the glass and put its hand by Dylan's. It was AWESOME. Then it backed up a bit while Dylan couldn't contain his excitement. The glare of the glass stinks, but the picture is a once in a lifetime shot. We spend a long time watching these chimps.

Here is Dylan still entertained by the chimps. They were very loud and active. Dylan was very entertained.
We had a great time. I'd love to take the kids to the aquarium at some point. Dylan is at the age where he is very interested and excited to learn. It was a great day with the family.

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