Sunday, October 9, 2011

Golf Outing

Zack had been asking for a set of golf clubs for months. So for his birthday we bought him some. He has been golfing bi-weekly after work with a few guys from Pentair. Not only is this his new hobby but it also allows him some much needed guy time.
This past Saturday he went with three other guys from work and played 18 holes. During the week they only play 9 since that is all day light will allow for. I had one of his buddies take some pictures of him. They were taken from a cell phone so the quality isn't great but you can get the idea. I never really post about Zack's work or hobbies so I thought it was time.

I love the above pictures. The beams of sunlight make it look neat, oh and yes my honey is looking great too! Check out his sweet golf shoes!
For whatever reason this picture is clear. They golfed at a course in Clayton. The homes that back up to golf courses always amaze me. They are so beautiful, why would they want a golf course in their yard??? Anyway, Zack had a great time and will continue his golf adventures during the week. I like him home on Saturdays :-)

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