Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Emersyn 9 m Part 2

Emersyn had her 9 month well visit yesterday. It was one of the more interesting check-ups that she's had.
I found out she has a double ear infection. A very bad one at that. Apparently Emersyn has a high thresh hold of pain because the doctor said she should be miserable. Instead we've had a happy go lucky baby.
Other than her ears she is healthy.
She weighs 21.4, which I believe is wrong. The nurse was mad at the way I put her on the scale so I think it was a misread. She was a bossy, unfriendly nurse from another office, who did things different than any other time we've been there. I personally think she weighs more.
According to the questionnaire I filled out, Emersyn is meeting most developmental areas. She is strong in all areas with exception of gross motor. Both of my kids are gross motor delayed. I'm not sure why, or what causes it, but it's frustrating. Dylan is finally where he should be and has completely caught up in the gross motor department. So that gives me hope for Emersyn. She is transitioning well, and is finally getting up on all fours. She rocks, but has yet to crawl. That's more than Dylan was doing at this age. The only difference is Emersyn's twinkle toes. She can stand supported by us. She used to stand on flat feet, which is the targeted goal. Now she's standing on her toes. I'm not sure why, but I do know it's not good. The pediatrician said she might self correct once she starts pulling up to stand. My hope is that she crawls and realizes what her feet can do. Then once she pulls up, hopefully the pieces will fall into place. Emersyn is beyond flexible, which goes against her when it comes to gross motor. The doctor suggested we get her evaluated by a physical therapist just to see what they think. It could be nothing, or, it could be something.
We went down this road with Dylan to some extent. Emersyn has been through so much that I find myself sensitive to this topic. I just want her to be healthy and live a 'normal' life. I don't want to put her through anything else. Wasn't skull surgery enough?!?
So for the next month we are going to practice crawling and standing on flat feet. If improvements aren't being made then we'll make an appointment to have her evaluated.

So now I'm done babbling. We'll see what the next month brings.

And so, our journey continues.....

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