Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Ride

At the end of November we bought a new vehicle. We are now proud owners of a 2012 Toyota Sienna minivan.

Are you wondering why it took me so long to blog about it?The honest answer... I was angry about this purchase for about a month. I loved my Mazda CX-7 and didn't want to give it up. I knew I needed a bigger vehicle, but refused to drive a van. I mean, really, who WANTS to drive a van? Not me! Months prior to the purchase we talked about our options. I really wanted a bigger SUV. We needed more trunk space and more back seat space. A van was the most logical choice despite my refusal to drive one. Zack gave me many reasons why a van was the best choice, and every reason was valid. I just couldn't see myself driving a minivan at 30, backing that big thing up, oh, and being 30 driving a dorky minivan. Most of our friends with kids have them and love them.
Obviously I lost the battle. After 3 months of driving it, I love it. It suites all of our needs, the kids love it, it rides smooth, and yes... I really do like it.
I don't love that I drive a minivan, but for now I've accepted it. My next car will NOT be a van :-)

Things that are white...
Marshmellow, tissues, snow, whipped cream, milk, sugar, paper, clouds, rice, pearls. Oh, and my new white van!!!!

I am officially a 'Minivan Mom'.
(I am shaking my head as I write this)


  1. Oh dear! I almost thought about a mini van when we just went car shopping a few months ago. BUT Steve was the one to talk me out of it. I do love all they have top offer on the inside though. LOL what's built in to it?

  2. Ours has navigation, a backup camera, 2 removable rows. Or 2 bucket seats and a 3 row, whatever we choose. Great room and storage, tons of cup holders, a DVD player that comes with head phones. Hmmm, that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Lol
