Sunday, February 12, 2012

Emersyn is 9 months

On Friday, 2/10, Emersyn turned 9 months. She was supposed to have her well visit in the morning but it got cancelled due to her doctor having a family emergency. I guess it was best since Emersyn has been fighting a bad cold. She will have her appointment in 2 weeks, but I didn't want to wait that long to post, so here we are. Once I get her height and weight stats I'll post them. That's my favorite part of the well visit.

So in the past month............

* Emersyn has become a babbling princess. She babbles in the car, the stroller, in bed, at school, and basically to anyone that will listen. Is the talking gene genetic?!?! She must get that from me. She is saying "Mama" and "Dada" but without meaning. If I ask her where Dada is, she will look around until she finds Zack and then smile. So she knows who we are, but not quite putting it together. She obviously can't say doggie, but boy does she know who the dogs are. She loves Niko & Blitz.

* Her personality is in full swing. She is lovable and sweet. Enjoys giving kisses to everyone. She laughs, smiles, and becomes excited towards the things and people she loves. BUT.... my little girl has an evil streak. She thinks it's funny to pull hair. My hair, the dogs hair, arm hair, you name it. When she does this, she has a GIANT smile on her face, more like an evil smile. She also finds it funny to yell at other babies who are crying. If she sees a baby in her class crying, she yells loudly, babbling baby talk AT them, then laughs. When the baby cries harder, she laughs harder. Yes, it's sweet angel also has horns. Most people think this is funny, but what it really comes down to is that Emersyn is a bully! We've had to start telling her and showing her how to be gentle and have also introduced the word 'no'. She's going to be trouble!

*My little lady loves to eat. She is still drinking formula and eats the occasional Gerber baby food. We have introduced table food at its best. She eats pretty much everything. She still doesn't have any teeth but that doesn't stop her. She loves noodles, breads, fruits, and most veggies with exception of peas. School has really helped with this. Each week I review the menu to see what I'd like her to have. They break everything up into small pieces, especially since I have a fear of choking. She eats a morning and afternoon snack, and is offered lunch. She isn't eating enough to replace a bottle, but she is eating all of these foods in between her bottle meals. So formula still remains her main source of nutrition for now, but it's important we introduce food. Baby food is great, but table food is better! She has also improved her grasping of food. She was using her palm to pick everything up, but is now using her pincer fingers (pointer and thumb).

*Boys! Zack isn't very happy about this but his little girl has her first boyfriend. His name is Trent. He is a month older, brown hair, big brown eyes, and loves to play kissy face with Emersyn. They get excited to see each other and love to sit and play.

*Emersyn still isn't crawling. Dylan never crawled which is why I yearn for her to do it. She has the mechanics to do so. She transitions from sitting to her belly, reaches for toys non-stop, and rolls all over. Today we got her rocking on all fours, which for her is a big deal. She will do it for a few seconds and then flop to her belly. We are working with her so that she will gain the confidence to crawl. Dylan had low muscle tone in his upper body, therefore had to go to PT so that we could re-teach him the mechanics of transitions. I don't want to go down that road with her, so we are working hard to help her. Then again, I am a worry wart and she could just simply be a late crawler.

*She loves music, jumping in her jumper, putting everything in her mouth, being outside, playing with Dylan, and so many other things. She is a happy little girl. She pretty much only cries when she's hungry, tired, you wipe her nose, or if she has pooped. Otherwise she loves life. She has a huge smile and the best little laugh.

Since I've learned how to make collages, this is my new favorite thing to do. Emersyn is manipulative :-) and will only hold her bottle if propped up on a pillow. If you hold her, she expects you will feed her. Hmmm.....and so it begins. She loves playing peek-a-boo, and hearing the song the "Itsy Bitsy Spider". When we all dance, she loves to wiggle to the music.

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This was my attempt at a 9 month photo shoot. She has a bad cold and wasn't very cooperative. I did my best to keep her nose booger free, but as you can see, that didn't happen.
Zack tells Emersyn on a daily basis that she is beautiful. Dylan says " I love my Emersyn" multiple times a week. So as you can tell, this little girl brings so much love into our lives. We look forward to what she has in store for us each day.
Happy 9 Months Emersyn!

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