Saturday, February 4, 2012

Germs, Germs, Go AWAY!

My blog posts lately have been few and far between. I can blame germs for that! Over the past few weeks we have all been fighting bad colds. Dylan and Emersyn both had two bouts of pink eye each and a variety of colds. Zack had a basic cold which turned in to walking pneumonia. My cold went away, came back, and then turned into a sinus infection, which I'm currently still fighting. Zack and Dylan are finally on the upswing, pretty much on their way to healthy. Emersyn continues a two week cold that is causing a fussy, irritable, restless baby. She cries when we wipe her nose, has so much phlegm the poor girl doesn't know how to handle it, so she coughs and throws up. Lovely, I know. Probably more information than you wanted to know.

I've cleaned, vacuumed, opened windows, and cleaned again. It could be the season for sickness, or the crazy changes in weather we've been having, OR the obvious daycare germs. I'm guessing its a combination of all three, but I'm ready for a healthy household. It's exhausting when everyone is sick.

As we said goodbye to January and welcomed February, I was hoping everyone would get better. My hopes have been crushed. This past week has been long, tiring, and many tissues have been used. This weekend is Dylan's 3rd birthday. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and everyone will be feeling great.

1 comment:

  1. I am so in the same boat right now. I am tired of everyone being sick!! Hopefully things will get better soon.
