Monday, September 26, 2011

Crock Pot Girls

If you know me, than you know I hate to cook. I can cook but I just don't like it. I would rather bake any day. I actually love to bake by myself and with Dylan. I find it relaxing and fun.
Planning dinners for the week is a challenge. We are sick of the same things week in and week out, so I've been looking for new ideas. I noticed on Facebook that a few friends were using the Crock Pot Girls website so I checked it out. I love it!!! We have a crock pot but don't really use it. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try something new. So for the last three weeks I have tried a couple of the recipes and we've loved them. Using a crock pot is nice for us because I can do all of the preparation, which is very easy and the crock pot does the rest.
The website is crockpotgirls. com
There are recipes for dips, appetizers, deserts, pork, beef, chicken, vegan and much much more. So check it out! I highly recommend it.
So far we have tried:
- Chicken Cordon Bleu: good but our least favorite so far
- Salsa Chicken: very tasty, Zack loved this one and we put it over rice
- Cheesy Chicken: Awesome! Can be served with veggies or rice.
Yes we eat A LOT of chicken in this house. So this week we are trying a roast called To Die For Roast. It's something different and sounds tasty. We are attempting to do one crock pot meal a week. There are so many yummy things to make.
Check it out! If you try one and love it, let me know.

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