Friday, September 9, 2011

Emersyn's Eye

Emersyn has a capillary hemangioma on her left eye lid. She wasn't born with with it. It just appeared one day. It looks like a small reddish bump. It's actually a benign tumor. Kids that get these usually have them on their body somewhere vs. the face, but it can happen. The cause is unknown. The hemangioma can grow over time. Because Emersyn's is on her eye it becomes more serious. It can cause the eyelid to droop. If the eye lid droops past the pupil, the eye tells the brain it can't see causing possible blindness. Emersyn's did grow slightly from day 1, but hasn't grown any bigger in the last 6 weeks. We are happy about that. Also, it never causes her eye lid to droop past the pupil. Most of the time we can't tell it's there or maybe we look past it. It stands out after she cries or when she's tired.
If left untreated it will go away on it's own usually before the age of 7. But 7, really? Who wants one of these on them for that long? It's not hurting her but if we can safely get rid of it , we're on board.
Yesterday we went to the opthamologist for her eye exam. She had one prior to surgery, so this was the post visit to make sure her vision was the same. She passed! We weren't worried. Sometimes there can be a change in vision after surgery.

The doctor discussed our options for the capillary hemangioma.
Some have cardiovascular side effects and another requires her going into the hospital to have a steroid injection in her eye lid. Myself and the doctor agreed those were not options. I'm not looking to create ANY problems for her. She's been through enough. So, we decided to do a 6 week trial of a topical antibiotic. If we see the hemangioma shrinking, then we'll continue it until it's gone. If nothing happens, we will discontinue the antibiotic and let her lid be.
It's easier if we take care of this now than when she's 4 and upset with her looks. ( sad but true)

A few people have inquired about her eye thinking it was a cyst. now that we have more info and a plan I'm happy to share.

Emersyn is allowing me to learn all sorts of medical knowledge.
( I'm smiling) BUT I'd appreciate it if she'd stop because then there would be nothing wrong.

That's the eye news.

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