Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daddy's Groupies

It's been awhile since I have posted. The past week hasn't been busy, but then again I have two little ones that keep me on my toes. I wanted to post some pictures of the jam sessions Zack has had with the kids. Music has always been a large part of Zack's life and it's important that he pass that on to Dylan and Emersyn. As most of you know, Dylan loves music and loves to dance. So naturally he gravitates to the guitar when Zack plays. Sometimes he will just sit and watch or his usual is to sing and dance around the room. I have found that Emersyn likes music just as much as Dylan did when he was an infant. The moment music is playing her attention is redirected. She is very serious when listening, but that is just her trying to figure it all out.

Zack has always loved playing guitar but this gives new meaning to his jam sessions. I L.O.V.E watching from afar. It melts my heart to see the kids enjoying time with their Daddy. Oh, did I mention that I have no musical talent! I can't sing and I can't play any musical instruments. So we are hoping that the kids inherit some musical talent from Zack. Don't get me wrong, I sing ALL day about everything. I even make up my own lyrics to already existing songs but that is for my children's ears only. I have a horrible voice that would probably make you cringe. But for now Dylan and Emersyn don't complain!

In the picture above Zack started to play for Emersyn to promote tummy time. We are really encouraging her to push up and crawl. Dylan hated his belly and never really crawled. He had low muscle tone in his upper body which caused a delay in gross motor. We are trying not to go down that road with Emersyn.
Dylan couldn't resist. He wanted to be next to his sister and listen to Daddy play. They are Daddy's little groupies. I think its adorable to watch. When I'm not taking pictures I join in. It's great family time that I wouldn't trade for the world.

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